ISSN 2409-5834

    Research Article

  1. Randomized Block Parallel Controlled Trial for Effectiveness of Perampanel (Fyocampa) Compare to Clonazepam or Levetiracetam Treatment of Epilepsy in Children Less Than 36 Month of Age
    Baha Dia Moohyaldeen Alosy,Mossab Sarmed Adil
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 1-8

  2. The Effect of Cymbopogon Nardus L. Legram Extract on The Intensity of Putella Xylostella L. Pest Attacks in Broccoli (Brassica Oleracea L. Var. Italica)
    Lilis Irmawatie , Irma Triyani Nurohman , Afwa Sayidah Sidik , Depi Helpiani , Angga Renaldi
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 9-16

  3. Judicial Review on Civil Dispute Resolution Through Mediation in Connection with the Mahkamah Agun Regulation Number 1 Of 2016 Concerning Mediation Procedures in Bandung State Court Class Ia.
    Fitri Wahyuni, Herto Santoso, Ahmad Syahid , Rifki Mardiansyah Anugrah , Shodiq Fadholi Ratmoko
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 17-25

  4. Education Administration in Improving the Quality of High School Through School-Based Management
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 26-30

  5. Indonesian Smart Card Policy-Based Public Administrative Management In Realizing Education Equality In State Junior High Schools
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 31-36

  6. The Use of Learning Media Cross Puzzles to Increase Vocabulary for Class Iii Middle Mind Students at Slb Gelora Karya Majalengka
    Dwi Endah Pertiwi , Assyifa Nur Haqiqi , Aynun Mardinah, Anisa Dewi Pebrianti , Sri Puji Astuti
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 37-45

  7. The Effect of Using the Eclectic Method on Maharoh Al Kalam Learning
    Imam Asrofi , Ikhsan Firmansyah , Yana Mulyana, Kika Mudrikatussalimah, Putri Nais Nur'aeni
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 46-54

  8. Development of Work Vocational Programs (Create Ape Puzzle 3d) for Children with Light Temperature Class of X at Slb Bc Yplab Cibaduyut
    Lilis Suwandari , Adi Ruhyadi , Imas Nurani Herliantin , Nadhila , Saepuloh
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 55-61

  9. Preparation of Adaptive Physical Education Learning Program on Volleyball for Class X Children With Mild Intellectual Disability In Slb Abcd Muhammadiyah Ciparay Bandung Regency
    Lilis Suwandari , Roni Misbah , Uum Umar Nawawi , Rizki Akbar Fauzi , Innayah Assegaf
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 62-67

  10. Teacher’s Efforts in Enhancing the Early Reading Ability of Children with Mild Intellectual Disabilities Through the MultiSensory Method
    Eka Yuli Astuti , Ahmad Afdilsyah Siregar , Azizah Rohula , Isma Nur Hakim , Ilham Putra Pamungkas
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 68-74

  11. Preparation of Ecoprint Bag Skill Program Made from Calico for Children with Mild Intellectual Disability Class Viii at Slb Bc Nike Ardila Ypwn Bandung City
    Teti Ratnawulan , Gianti Puspa Widhy , Ismiarti Yuniar , Salwa Lutfiah Ghulbany Nurqonitah , Yuridul Magfiroh Hermawan
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 75-82

  12. Preparation of Reading Comprehension Assessment Instrument for Mild Intellectual Disability Children Class Viii at Slb Mekar Sari 2 Bogor City
    Zulfa Rahmah Effendi , Anjani , Fina Nur Azizah, Ina Ramadhani , Nurul Aulia
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 83–89

  13. The Application of Management Functions in Improving the Quality of Pesantren
    Eva Dianawati Wasliman , Rivatul Mahmudah, Try Agung Prabowo
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 90-98

  14. Fulfillment of the Rights of Intellect Citizens Through the Assimilation Program in Correction Centers
    Ahmad Muhammad Ridwan Saiful Hikmat , Alvin , Herdi Iman Muttaqin , Muchamad Afif Suganda , Mar’ie Muhammad
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 99-107

  15. The Role of The Management of Masjid At-Taubah in Religious Activities, Formation and Strengthening of Sakinah Families to Help Reduce the Trend of Divorce
    Muhsin , Fadhilah Aliffa Sasmita , Tedi Suryadi , Rusdi , M. Hilwan Al-Ghafiqi Khodimul K
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 108–113

  16. The Impact of Work Load, Work Discipline And Work Productivity on Employee Performance of the Finishing Department At Pt Indoneptune Net Manufacturing Bandung Regency
    Kiska Suci Primasti , Elsa Maesa , Syifa Amelia , Safitri , Arie Soleh Permana, SE, SH, MM
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 114–120

  17. Purchasing Decisions for Instant Noodle Products in University Students
    Ida Farida Oesman, Apriani Wulandari , Muhamad Iman Nurjaman , Muhammad Reza Firmansyah , Suamiati
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 121–128

  18. Public Administration in Indonesian Madrasah Competence Assessment Policies (Akmi)
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 129–137

  19. Management of Discipline Coaching for Junior High School Students (Qualitative Study on Smp Negeri 1 Baleendah, Smp Negeri 2 Ciparay and Smp Negeri 4 Rancaekek in Bandung Regency)
    E. Sopandi , Iim Wasliman , Hendi , Supyan Sauri
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 138–144

  20. Management of Strengthening Character Education in Improving the Noble Character of Elementary School Students (Descriptive Study at SDN 1 Pacet Cianjur and SDN Cipanas Sukabumi)
    Asep Suryaatmaja , Iim Wasliman, Hanafiah , Nandang Koswara
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 145–156

  21. Strategic Management to Improve the Quality of Online MediaBased Learning
    Eka Abdul Hamid , Sofyan Sauri , Ida Tejawiani , Nandang Koswara
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 157–164

  22. The Influence of Work Motivation, Work Discipline and Workload on Employee Performance at PT. Nikkatsu Electric Works in Bandung
    Dr. H. Yusuf , Rexy Yasa Muhamad Agustian , Disya Nurul Afifah , Melly Ramjani , Reza Juliantini
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 165–173

  23. A Preliminary Look at the New Kuhp in The Light of Indonesian Criminal Law Pluralism
    Ahmad Jamaludin , Dodi Suhendar , Ading Yahya , Dani Romadhon , Mella Maylani
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 174–181

  24. Juridical Review of Obstruction of Justice Law Enforcement in Indonesia
    Hendri Darma Putra , Adam Ozari , Destiana Julyzia Nugraha , Desi Permata Sari , Cecep Suhendra , Mohd Haizam Saudi
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 182–192

  25. Reform of the Indonesian Criminal Procedure Law: Urgency and Impact on The Criminal Justice System
    Gunawan , Mohammad Ilham , Fitra Mayesti , Eni Rosimah , Bara Parsaoran Limbong
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 193–209

  26. The Influence of Leadership Style, Work Motivation and Work Environment on Employee Performance at Pt. Multi Garmenjaya Production Department
    Dr. Darwin Nahwan, SE., M. Si , Ghifari Lieshe F , M Kusnaldi Wijaya , Ibnu Dwi AN , Hendar Mahlu U
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 210-219

  27. Islamic Religious Education: Efforts to Strengthen the Profile of Pancasila Students
    Riki , Neng Liah Sapliah , Osama , Wily Nursalam , Iyad Suryadi
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 220–228

  28. The Influence of Leadership, Work Environment and Satisfaction on Employee Performance at Pt. Dosan Jaya Sukabumi
    Juju Zuhriatusobah , Dede Pahmi Muharram , Beni Rulian , Wendi Muhammad Yusuf dan , Iqbal Awaludin
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 229–237

  29. Criminal Responsibility for Malpractical Actions in The Perspective of The Book of Criminal Law and Health Personnel.
    Ahmad Jamaludin , Amalia Kusuma Wardani2 , Aryanti Yunita3 , Galih Arie Febriantiarno4 , Muhammad Reyhan Harvianto
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 238–248

  30. Meaning in Cigarette Advertisements in Audiovisual Media
    Gilang Gustriana, Murobby Fathyl Khair , Nisrina Hasna Nurzanthi , Samsul Hidayat , Akhmad Yani Surachman
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 249–255

  31. Impact of Work Environment, Work Discipline, and Compensation on Teaching Motivation of Manba'ul Huda Foundation Teachers, Bandung City
    Brigjen TNI (Purn) Dr. H. Yusuf. S. Sos., M.M , Akmal Trilaksono , Fahri Fahrurozi , N. Dais Nurul Wahidah , Swi Darmono Nainggolan
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 256–265

  32. The Influence of Emotional Intelligence and Spiritual Intelligence on Teacher Professionalism at Madrasah Aliyah Attahiriyah Jakarta
    Ika Kartika , Efrita Norman , Moh Kholisul Ibad
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 266–276

  33. The Effectiveness of Legal Protection for Former Terrorist Convicts Associated With the Deradicalization Program
    Asep Sapsudin , Riki Baehaki
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 277–287

  34. Analysis of Car Free Day Implementation in General Education Perspective
    Suharyanto H. Soro , Rita Nurhayati , Ujang Ismail
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 288–294

  35. The Implementation of School-Based Management in Improving the Quality of Junior High School
    Deti Rostini , Rano Sukmantara , Emma Siti Maryamah
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 295–299

  36. Training for Coconut Waste Craftsman in Entrepreneurship in Entrepreneurship
    Deti Rostini , Rina Herlina
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 300–306

  37. The Influence of the School Principle's Leadership Style and Communication Style on Teacher Performance at 1 Bulakamba 1 State Junior High School, Wanasari 1 Junior High School, and Songgom 2 Smp, Brebes Dwastrict
    Murniasih , Iim Wasliman , Waska , Yosal
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 307–314

  38. Industry-Based Learning Management in Increasing the Competence of Vocational High School (SMK) Graduates. (Case Study of The Jayakarta Suites Hotel Bandung Collaboration with YPPS Sumedang Vocational School and Putra Gununghalu Vocational School West Ban
    Oyib Ferdiansyah , Iim Wasliman , Waska Warta , Deti Rostini
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 315–322

  39. Character Education Management Based on Local Cultural Values Wisdom to Increasing Graduates Quality
    Ai Nurhasan , Iim Wasliman , Usep Kosasih , Rianti Cahyani
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 323–328

  40. Management of Internalization of the Value of Local Wisdom in Improving the Character of Students (Case Study at Pesantren Darul Muttaqien and AlAshriyyah Nurul Iman Bogor)
    iti Aminah, Sofyan Sauri , Teti Ratnawulan , Ahmad Sukandar
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 336–344

  41. The Influence of Competence, Work Discipline, and Workload on Employee Performance at the Netting (Production) Department of Pt. Indoneptune Net Manufacturing In Bandung
    Juju Zuhriatusobah, Asda Arnas Syafri , Dewi Nurhayati , Rizal Hakim , Yayang Aldi Ardiyansyah
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 345–354

  42. The Influence of Human Resource Planning, Recruitment and Placement of Employees on the Performance of the Lavie Baby House Company in Bandung
    Dr. Darwin Nahwan SE, MSi , Kuyrinus Oliberto R, Fitri.A , Putriyani , M Samsul M. K
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 355–365

  43. A Preliminary Study on the Ownership of Artificial Intelligence Inventions in View of Indonesian Intellectual Property Law
    Happy Yulia Anggraeni", Ayat Muhayat, Dewi Sri Agustin, Egi Firmansyah, Farid Akmal Nugraha
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 366-381

  44. The Mixture of Soursop Leaf (Annona muricata L.) and Suren Leaf (Toona sureni Merr.) Extracts for Controlling Pests (Plutella xylostella Linn.) on Broccoli
    Suli Suswana, Nizar Nurjaman A, Kusna Sulaeman, Riki Rohimat, Fauzan Luqmanna
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 382-391

  45. Judicial Review on Civil Dispute Resolution Through Mediation in Connection with the Mahkamah Agung Regulation Number 1 Of 2016 Concerning Mediation Procedures in Bandung State Court Class la.
    Fitri Wahyuni", Herto Santoso, Ahmad Syahid', Rifki Mardiansyah Anugrah, Shodiq Fadholi Ratmoko
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 392-402

  46. The Role of The Management of Masjid At-Taubah in Religious Activities, Formation and Strengthening of Sakinah Families to Help Reduce the Trend of Divorce
    Muhsin, Fadhilah Aliffa Sasmita, Tedi Suryadi, Rusdi, M. Hilwan Al-Ghafiqi Khodimul K
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 402-408

  47. Juridical Analysis of Children's Sexual Exploitation Putusan Nomor 372/Pid.sus/2020/PN Bgl
    Ahmad Jamaludin ,Cakrabuana Gudnardi Berata ,Ismail Daly ,RatnaNirmalasari ,Satria Bagustiandy
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 409-416

  48. Regulation of the Prevention of The Practice of Buying and Selling Bank Account Accounts on E-Commerce Paltforms
    Herry Tarmidjie Noor Ratna Tanti Yulianti Usep Udrayana M. Iqbal Wibisena Dadih Sumantri
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 417-433

  49. Design of a Lower-Limb Exoskeleton Drive Using an Arduino-Based Stepper Multimotor
    Iksal Jajang Mulyana Tasya Claudia Hartono Muhammad Fadzlan Alfath Nur Assajjad
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 434-444

  50. Emotional Regulation Profile of Children Aged 5-6 Transition Early Childhood Primary School In Bandung Indonesia
    Susan Maulani Rachma Dafini Tien Subekti Siti Sofiah Lina Maulina
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 444-452

  51. Decorating Flip Flops Skills for Children with Intellectual Disability Grade Xi in Slb Az-Zakiyah Bandung
    Eka Yuli Astuti Azizah Fitri M Dinda Sekar A.P.O Mira Dwi A Sarah Silvi R
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 453-461

  52. Five Important Aspects in Game-Based Learning
    Usep Ksasih Didin Saepudin Veri Moch Lutfi Ayu Purnama Sari Binti Kurnia Safira
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 462-467

  53. Literacy Programs to Foster Interest in Reading in Early Childhood Education
    Agus Ruswandi Tiya Widiawati Noneng Solihah Sri Ratna Oktaviani Ayep Hendra Budiawan
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 468-474

  54. System Review of Community Economic Development Activities Through Farm Women's Groups
    Ikka Kartika A F, Yuni Gita Andini , Siti Rahmawati3 , Adam Malik, Cecep Saepudin
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 475-481

  55. The Teacher's Efforts in Improving Mobility Orientation Skill Through the Trailling Technique of Blind Children in Class Vii at Slbn Citeureup Cimahi City
    Siti Rachmah, Lalu Giyan Muri Pratama , Riska Andini Fajarema, Siti Fitriliani , Wina Ayuni
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 482-489

  56. The Effect of Participative Leadership Style on Employee Performance at Uptd Metal Industry Office of Industry and Trade in West Java Province Using Simple Linear Regression Method
    Rafika Ratik Srimurni, Deni Sahrul Majid , Muhamad Aripin , Mochamad Rifki A Siddiq , Silmi Mauludi
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 490-500

  57. The Influence of Work Ethos, Work Disiplin and Organizational Commitment on Employee Performance at Pt. Kahatex Production Sectionin Bandung
    Hasanawi MT, Ajeng Fathonah , Kusmayanti , Selawati , Tiara Putri S
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 501-512

  58. Legal Protection for Customers Using Helmets Not Approved to The Indonesian National Standard
    Leni Anggraeni Moch Rizaldy F Budi Mulyanto Adzkia Hergi Pratama Muhammad Habibie
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 513-526

  59. Revealing the Differences Between Sundanese and Javanese Work Ethic in Bandung City
    Sugih Haryanto Intan Permatasari Mila Safitri Windy Aprianti Kartini Yulianita Rahayu
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 527-535

  60. Implementation of the Problem-Based Learning Approach in Increasing Mathematics Learning at Sman 1 Cisarua, Bandung Barat Regency
    Ayi Najmul Hidayat Nurlaela Fitriani Ade Sukarya
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 536-540

  61. Curriculum Implementation Of The Indonesian National Qualification Framework (Kkni) In Increasing The Quality Of Graduates Of Private Islamic Religious Education (Ptkis) Case Study at IAIS Ummul Quro and IAIS Sahid Bogor
    Ernawati Hanafiah Iim Wasliman Supyan Sauri
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 560-570

  62. Juridical Analysis Regarding the Implementation of Asset Auction for Replacement Payment Related to Rights of Corruption Case in Class I Sukamiskin Institution Associated with Regulation of the Minister of Law and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia
    Asep Sapsudin Asep Kusmana
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 543-559

  63. Internal Quality Assurance System Management in Improving the Performance of Private Higher Education Institutions in Bandung City (Case Study at Islamic University of Bandung and Pasundan University)
    Agus Nana Supena Hanafiah Supyan Sauri Rita Sulastini
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 571-580

  64. Kyai Leadership Management in Character Education at Islamic Boarding Schools (Qualitative Study at Cipasung Islamic Boarding School and KH Zaenal Mustofa Sukamanah Islamic Boarding School in Tasikmalaya Regency, West Java)
    Agus Achmad Faruk Dadang Suherman R. Supyan Sauri Agus Mulyanto
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 581-596

  65. kyai leadership in character education ,
    Chaira Saidah Yusrie Ade Tutty R. Rosa Supyan Sauri Ida Tejawiani
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 597-608

  66. Model of Kiai Leadership at Boarding Schools that Manage Salaf and Khalaf Learning (Case Study at the Buntet Islamic Boarding School, Cirebon, West Java)
    Farid Wajdi Ulfiah Iim Wasliman Ahmad Khori
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 609-624

  67. Management of Laboratory Empowerment and Development in Improving the Quality of High School Physics Learning System in Karawang Regency
    Ratih Komala Ade Tutty R Rossa M. Andriana Gaffar Agus Mulyanto
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 625-632

  68. Collaborative Governance for Child-Friendly Cities in Indonesia: Policy Analysis and Issues in Cirebon City, West Java
    Siti Khumayah Soleh Suryadi Didi Turmudzi Makbul Mansyur
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 633-652

  69. The Influence of Gender, Education Level and Loyalty on the Performance of Employees of Pt. Harli Dunia Indah
    Juju Zuhriatusobah Anggi Ramdani Ita Julita Sani Sofianti Syukur Ardiansah
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 653-661

  70. Tourism Village Development in Kertasari District
    Akhmad Yani Surachman Yusman Kurniawan Sandi Siti Rohani Assya Qorry Nursafitri
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 662-670

  71. Anxiety and Depression Among Women Undergoing Infertility Treatments and Women with Natural Pregnancies
    Roqia Saleem Maabreh,Mahmoud Hasan Alrabab'a,Hekmat Yousef Al-Akash,Raya Alhusban,v
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 671-677

  72. Effect of Different Teaching Modalities on Neonatal Nurses' Performance about Neonatal Resuscitation
    Mahmoud Hasan Alrabab’a,Roqia Saleem Maabreh,Madiha Amin Morsy,Hekmat Yousef Al-Akash,Mohammad Y. Al-zaatreh
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 678-688

  73. In Vitro Cytotoxicity Activity of a Staphylococcus Haemolyticus Bacteriocin Against Prostate Cancer Cells
    Raghda A. Razaq,Hasanain Khaleel Shareef,Mais E. Ahmed
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 689-695

  74. Morphometric Analysis of the Third Ventricle in Multiple Sclerosis Patients Using MRI
    Hussam Alabdullah , Mennan Ece Pirzirenli , Aslı Tanrıvermiş Sayıt,Aymen Warille
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 696-704

  75. The association of oral health with obstructive coronary heart disease confirmed by coronary angiography: A cross-sectional observational study
    Ali Jasim Muhamed,Dheyaa Kadhim Hassoon Al-Khafaji,Mahir Abdulkadhum Khudhair Alzughaibi
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 705-714

  76. Primary Percutaneous Coronary Interventions Among Acute STEMI Cases: Predictors for No Re-Flow
    Hassanain M. S. Abdulameer Almustafa,Ali Jaber Aboob Al-Mamoori,Ameer Ahmed Aljubawii,Hayder Abdul-Amir Makki Al-Hindy
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 715-721

  77. Assessment of Serum Vitamin D in Transfusion-Dependent Β-Thalassemia Patients: Single-Center Observational Study
    Ghazi Mohamad Ramadan,Samer Raheem Obaid,Hussein Ali Abdulabbas,Hayder Abdul-Amir Makki Al-Hindy
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 722-729

  78. Relationship between viral and bacterial diarrhea in children suffering from the gastroenteritis infection
    Jwan Ahmed Ali Ahmed,Anwar Kadhim Al-Saffar
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 730-737

  79. Comparative Estimation of Cadmium and Lead Levels between Cigarette and Hookah Smokers
    Layla Mahmood Saeed,Alaa Abd AlZhraa Kazem
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 738-744

  80. Knowledge of Mothers Toward the use of Antibiotics for Their Children in Babylon Province
    Sura Falah Abdul Hadi Aljubbawi,Saad Fawwaz Mukhlif,Abeer Degan Abdul Amir
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 745-757

  81. Pulmonary Contusion: Evaluation of Associated Injuries, Clinical Course, and Outcomes; Self-Experience from a Tertiary Care Center
    Noor Abbas Hummadi Fayadh,Abbas Jaafar Khaleel Al-Anbari,Sameer Mohialdeen
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 766-774

  82. Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices Regarding Infection Prevention towards COVID-19 Pandemic among Intensive Clinical Training Nursing Students at Al-Hussein bin Talal University
    Heyam Al-Aaraj,Khaldoon Aied alnawafleh,Eqbal Mohammad Alfarajat,Aida Theeb Mohammed,Ayman A.R. Ghatasheh
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 775-782

  83. Detection and Characterization of Carbapenem Resistant Acinetobacter baumannii Isolated from Different Clinical Specimens in Duhok Province–Iraq
    Nawal Haji Mahmood,Azad Mohammed Taher Al-Brefkani
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 783-794

  84. Determination of Lipids Levels among Patients with Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia in Kurdistan Region of Iraq
    Mohammed Rashid Ameen,Waleed Haji Saeed
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 795-799

  85. Effect of Breastfeeding Training Program on Nurses' and Midwaves’ Competency in Akre District
    Sameera Sadeeq Fatah,Alaa Noori Sarkees
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 800-805

  86. Histopathological and immunological study of Eimeria spp and Eschrichichia coli infections in some animals
    Zainab A. M. Al- Haboobi,Balkeas Abd Ali Abd Aun Jwad,Mohamad salah Abdulsahib
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 806-810

  87. Knowledge and Attitudes Regarding Infertility among Infertile Couples in Mosul City
    Abdulrahman Mazin Hashim,Hanady Jabbar Mahmood,Ahmed Mishaal Mohammed Salih
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 811-816

  88. Preparation of a cheap culture medium from pollen of Typha domingensis Pers. for the cultivation of Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria
    Huda Abdulrahim Madhkoor,Israa Abed Ali Hassan Al Hawani,Wissal A. Alhilf
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 817-823

  89. Relationship between serum podocalyxin levels with the major risk factors of peripheral artery disease among patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus
    Ardawan F. Ali
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 824-830

  90. Roles of Nursing Skills in Improving Quality of Rehabilitative Health Services for Patients with Chronic Conditions
    Mohammed Malih Radhi,Haitham Ibrahim Faris
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 831-837

  91. The Impact of CD19+B-Cells and Some Important Parameters in Iraqi Hemodialysis Patients
    Sahar Taha Hatif,Ayat Majeed Zeadan,Manar Mohammed Sarhan
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 838-845

  92. Vitamin D and bone density in chronic hepatitis C patients
    Rabab Murtadha Abed,Rabab Murtadha Abed,Salam Abbas Oleiwi,Douaa abdulalhussain kadhum,Mona Adel Ismail
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 846-850

  93. [Women's satisfaction about nursing care for caesarean section in the maternity hospital in Karbala city]
    Lecturer Dr. Muntaha Abdullah Reishaan
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 851-859

  94. Workplace Sexual Harassment Against Female Nurses in Thi-Qar Governorate: A Rarely Debated Problem
    Hussein Abdulmohsin DABIS,Ali Talib HAMEED,Fatima Jaber Shinjar
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 860-866

  95. Evaluation of Titanium Dioxide Nano-Fillers Incorporation on Transverse Strength of Heat Cured Acrylic Resin
    Russul Najem Abood,Hussain S. Hasan,Basima M. A. Hussein
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 867-871

  96. Knowledge and attitudes of Rural First-Trimester Pregnant Women about Antenatal Care in Shekhan District
    Dr. Alaa Noori Sarkees
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 872-877

  97. Assessment the Performance of Oral Health Education Programs on Secondary School Students in Mosul City
    Suhad M. Hamdoon,Ammar S. Salim,Heba F. Hamodat
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 878-894

  98. Musculoskeletal Disorders among Healthcare Workers of Governmental Hospitals in Duhok Governorate
    Masood Abdulkareem Abdulrahman,Omran Azeez Jibraeel
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 885-892

  99. The SARS-CoV2 effect on renal function in patients after recovery from COVID-19
    Naeel Mustafa Mohammed Al-abid,Wijdan I. A. Abd-alwahab,Yousif Abdullah Albany,Mohammad Ismail Al-Berfkani
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 893-897

  100. Lymphocytic Immune Response of Children After Thermal Burn Injury in Duhok Burn and Plastic Hospital, Iraq
    Bizav N. Rasheed
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 898-901

  101. An Evaluation of Cystatin C Levels in the Serum and Urine as Early Diagnostic for Iraqi Patients with Type 2 Diabetes
    Zahraa Sami Razzaq Najjar
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 902-909

  102. Assessment of Parents' Psychological Distress and its Coping Strategies Related to Children with Hereditary Blood Disease
    Riyadh Saad Atshan,Marwa Jabbar Saiwan
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 910-917

  103. Prevalence of Insulin Resistance Among Apparently Healthy Medical Students of College of Health and Medical Technology – Shekhan
    Rojeen Rasheed Suleiman,Ardawan fathi Ali,Sherwan Ferman Salih,Barhav Issa Abdullah
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 918-925

  104. Impact of some common disinfectants on fungi Isolated from air conditioners
    Dr. Zuhair Hameed Abboud,Dr. Majid Kadhim Al-Shibly,Ihsan Ali Alzamily
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 926-931

  105. Frequency of hand dermatitis in relation to frequent hand washing with antiseptics during COVID - 19 pandemic
    Ass Prof Dr Hasan Nasir Mohsen,Dr Kawther Abdulkareem
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 932-936

  106. Determination of Post-COVID-19 Symptoms Among Recovered Cases in Iraqi Kurdistan Region: A Cross-Sectional Study
    Arazoo Issa Tahir,Perjan Hashim Taha,Fatima Mohammed Ahmed,Ari Ahmed Taha,Runak Hamagharib Radha
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 937-945

  107. Molecular and Bacteriological Study of Bacterial Vaginosis among Aborted Women
    Saman Rafeeq Abdullah,Sarmad Raheem Kareem,Ayad Hazim Hassan
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 946-954

  108. Correlation of Arginine Vasopressin coding gene and Human High Blood Pressure
    Aseel Isam AL-Nuri,Dr. Sarab Daoud AL-Shamaa
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 955-959

  109. Women's Knowledge Regarding Pap Smear and Cervical Cancer in Duhok City in Respect to Related Educational Perspective Session
    Melad Alias Yalda,Iman Yousif Abdulmalek,Harjeen Rasul Mohammed Ali
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 960-967

  110. Assessment of Periodontal Pathogens and Gingival Health Improvement after School-based Educational Program among Secondary School Students
    Ghada Younis Abdulrahman,Heba F Hamodat,Ammar S Salim
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 968-973

  111. Knowledge, Attitude and Practice toward COVID 19 Preventive Measures: A cross-sectional study in Duhok Governorate
    Waleed Khalid Ibrahim,Masood Abdulkareem Abdulrahman
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 974-984

  112. Association of Metabolic Syndrome Components among patients with psoriasis in Duhok (Iraq)
    HIVI M. Mahmoud, PhD,SNOOR S. HADI, MD,Ardawan F. Ali,PhD, Rojeen R. Suleiman, PSEDGHI A. SAEED, PhD,hD,Dhia J Al-Timimi, PhD
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 983-989

  113. Megrment the level of IL-8 in the Blood of Patients with Urinary tract infection in Iraq-Babil City
    Ahmed Abbas Ali,Hayder Hamzah Ibrahim
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 990-993

  114. Molecular study of Klebsiella spp. isolated from patients with different clinical isolate.
    Fadhil Sami Zghair,Mona Qafel bed,Arman Rostam zad
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 994-999

  115. Molecular characterization using RAPD, ISSR, SCoT markers and antibacterial activity for two Vinca (vinca roseus L.) Genotypes cultivated in Iraq.
    Taif Razzaq Majeed Najar,NibrasYahya Abdulla,Attyaf Jameel Thamir,Ahmed Alshawi,Mohammed Subhi Mohammed,Qasim Mohammed Jabber Al-Tamimi
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 1000-1008

  116. A study of the changes in phytate concentration and some parameters in men with oligospermia and azoospermia
    Hussein Ali Nayyef NAYYEF,Saddam Mohammed Abid,Ahmed Mohammed Ali ALI
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 1009-1016

  117. Education Administration in Improving the Quality of High School through School-Based Management
    RM Gatot Hery Djatmiko,Obsatar Sinaga
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 1017-1021

  118. Indonesian Smart Card Policy-Based Public Administrative Management in Realizing Education Equality in State Junior High Schools
    RM Gatot Hery Djatmiko,Obsatar Sinaga
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 1022-1028

  119. Public Administration in Indonesian Madrasah Competence Assessment Policies (Akmi)
    RM Gatot Hery Djatmiko,Obsatar Sinaga
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 1029-1037

  120. Clinical Study of Changes Selenium, Zinc, Lead and Lipid Profile in Serum with Retinopathy Diabetic Patients in thi Qar Governorate
    Jamal Harbi Hussein Alsaadi,Nagham H. Alrikabi,Huda Mahdi younis
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 1038-1047

  121. Study of Clinical Manifestations of Visceral Leishmaniasis in Children of Basra Province
    Basim A. Fayyadh,Dawood S. Mahdi
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 1048-1058

  122. Assessment of Hirsutism in Patients with Endocrine Disorders
    Noor Al-Zahraa F. Ghalib,Dawood S. Mahdi,Hussein A. Nwayyir
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 1051-1053

  123. The Effectiveness of the Prescribed Dose of the Gamma Knife Radiosurgery in Treating Low Grade Glioma
    Alyaa Hussein Ashoor,Rasha S. Ahmed,Yasir M H Hamandi
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 1054-1064

  124. Synthesis, Characterization, Antimicrobial, and Antioxidant Studies of New Schiff Base Ligands and Their Complexes with Copper Ion
    Raad malik Mohammed,Haider A. Mahdi
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 1065-1074

  125. Study of the Effect of Annealing Temperature on the Structural and Electrical Properties of Zinc Oxide Nanofilms Deposited by Pulsed Laser Technology for the Manufacture of Freon Gas Sensor R410a (CHF2 CH3/F2 CH2)
    Othman Mizban Talib,Kasim H. Mahmoud
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 1075-1082

  126. SYNTHESIS, CHARACTERIZATION AND ANTIOXID STUDY OF NEW 4-({2-[5-(2-Hydroxyphenyl)-1,3,4-Oxadiazol-2-Yl] Hydrazinylidene} Methyl)-2-Methoxy Phenol AND THEIR TRANSITION METAL COMPLEXES
    Safaa H. Nasir,Ibrahim A. Flifel
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 1083-1092

  127. The Relationship Between Homocysteine, Dopamine and Folic Acid in Serum of Patients with Cardiovascular Disease in Nassiria Governorate
    Jannat Sattar Jabbar,Mohammed A. Auda
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 1093-1099

  128. Evaluation the Role of Amylin Hormone and some Biochemical Parameters in Type 2 Diabetic Patients with Cardiovascular disease
    Redaa Jaafar Abdul Hussein,Alyaa Majid
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 1100-1105

  129. Description of two new record species of the genus Asproparthenis ( Coleoptera, Curculionidae) in Iraq
    Hanan H. Al Saffar,Ali N. Yaseen,Saadoun Obaed Ahmed
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 1106-1109

  130. The Synthesis of Adjuvanted Iron Oxide Nanoparticles with RGD and TNF
    Husam Ahmad Mahmood Al-Zohyri,Mohd Basyaruddin Bin Abdulrahman
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 1110-1126

  131. Iranian Chinese Economic Relations 1979-2010: Iran-China-Economic-Relation-Oil and Gas
    Mohammed Dakhil Karim Al-Saadi,Zainab Mohammed Taher Haider
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 1127-1141

  132. The Prevalence of Injuries in Mixed Martial Arts Among Iraqi Fighters
    Zeyad Abdulrazzaq,Aeshah Tareq
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 1142-1144

  133. Synthesis, Characterization, and Activity Related to Cytotoxicity Study of Some Indole-Derived Chalcones
    Ghufran A. Hammood,Sanaa A. Alsahib
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 1145-1150

  134. Estimation of Interleukin 17A Gene Polymorphism in Patients with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
    Haneen Kareem Khalaf Rawdhah,Abeer Thaher Naji Al-Hasnawi,Zainab Jaber hadi,Amal Mounir Mubark
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 1151-1161

  135. Phylogenetic analysis of the infectious bronchitis virus in Iraqi farms
    Mustafa Hilal Ali,Aida Bara Allawe
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 1162-1167

  136. Association of Heat Shock Protein 90B1 (HSP 90B1) with Immunopathogenesis of Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome
    Israa Abdul Rasoo Abbas Nafty,Abbas Nafty,Dhamiaa M. Hamza,Batool Abdzaid Alsultany
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 1168-1174

  137. Molecular identification of some Salmonella Typhi virulence genes from individuals with typhoid in Baghdad
    Ulaa Abdul Kerim,Amal A. Kareem,Ali Jaffer Saleem
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 1175-1181

  138. Study of the quality of attach algae to the concrete supports of some bridges within Baghdad city
    Zainab Faleeh Moussa,Buthaina Abdul Aziz Hassan Al-Magdamy
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 1182-1186

  139. Formulation and Nose-to-Brain Uptake Study of Intranasal Diazepam Nano Emulgel on Rabbits as a Potential Approach to Control Epileptic Emergencies
    Yousif K. Younis,Shaimaa Nazar Abd Alhammid
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 1187-1195

  140. Separation and determination of sulfamethoxazole, trimethoprim and metoclopramide hydrochloride by RP-HPLC method in pure and in Pharmaceutical formulations
    Abbas L. Azeez,Salam A. H. Al-Ameri,Amer S. MahdiAktham N. Jasim
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 1196-1204

  141. Synthesis, characterization and antioxidant activity of new derivatives 1,3,4-oxadiazole and 1,3,4-thiadiazole from acid hydrazide
    Zainab Amer,Entesar O. Al-Tamimi
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 1205-1210

  142. Histological effect of contraceptive pills on female mice infected with E.histolytica
    Maryam Thaeer Abdulkadeer,Shatha Khudhair Abbas
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 1211-1216

  143. The Effect of Alcoholic Extract of the Celery Seeds Apium graveolenes on the Histological Characteristics of the Swiss Rat Testis Treated with the Depakine Drug
    Zainab Jawad Naki Al- Busaid,Widad Hashim Yahya,Sammar Faisal Jaafar,Zainab Mahdi Jasim AL-Saygh
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 1217-1224

  144. Predictive Role of IGFBP-7 and Activin A in Newly Diagnosis of Multiple Myeloma
    Zeyad Tareq Habeeb,Zainab A. Razak Al-Sharifi,Rahem Mahdy Rahem
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 1225-1232

  145. Spectrophotometric assessment of Amino drugs employing flow injection analysis and cloud point extraction techniques
    Dalia M. Jamil,Nisreen K. Abood
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 1233-1241

  146. A Preliminary Review of the Quality of Evidence on Victims of Sexual Violence in Indonesian Criminal Procedure Law
    Happy Yulia Anggraeni,Arief Febrianto,Aida Canua Nurhasanah,Gilang Kharisma Putra,Indah Sri Wulandari
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 1242-1247

  147. Influence Giving Giberelin to Growth and Results of Potato Crops (Solanum tuberosum L. var. Granola)
    Ida Adviany,Rosyad Nurdin,Ajeng Kartini,Rahma Hildayani,Romi Maulana,Irham Maulana Yusuf
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 1248-1255

  148. Effectiveness of Law Enforcement against Corporations as Perpetrators of Corruption in Indonesia
    Hanny Amelia,Rifaldi Sukma,Theodora Arethusa,Derex Anoraga Siradjz Lusgiantoro,Rendi Somantri
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 1256-1262

  149. Integrity and Authority of the Prosecutor's Role in Enforcing Corruption Crimes
    Yuyut Prayuti,Difar Cahyadi,Agis Parman,Asep Dani ramdani,Febri Ahmadyani
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 1263-1269

  150. Penerapan Strategi Permainan Scramble Kepada Siswa Di Indonesia Sebagai Pembelajar Bahasa Asing
    Leny Saili Rahmah,Alfiyah Nur Siti Aisah,Dhurorin Aulia Putri Wirawan,Nur Azizah,Rugaya Devuun Yamco
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 1270-1276

  151. Noun Phrase and Verb Phrase Analysis in Indonesian Students Worksheets
    Leny Saili Rahmah,Rr Yulfrianti Nurul Aini,Putri Dwi Nurjanah,Eka Putri Anggraeni,Novi Nadia Hasna
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 1277-1286

  152. A Semantic Analysis of the Word “Eat” In Sundanese
    Leny Saili Rahmah,Ai Maspuroh,Azzahra Nurul Izza Mubarok,Putri Ummi Umayyah,Rifka Faidah
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 1287-1296

  153. Law Enforcement against the Spread of Fake News on Social Media In Relation To Law Number 19 of 2016 Concerning Information and Electronic Transactions
    Saji Sonjaya,Anjas Yudapratama,Aldy Pangestu Aji,Ilham Muhardi,Wagusno Bintang Simbolon
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 1297-1307

  154. Productive Laboratory Management of Agribusiness Processing Agricultural Products in Developing Students' Entrepreneurship Attitudes in Vocational Schools
    Iim Wasliman,Danny Septana Wahidi,Agus Anwar Abdul Kahar
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 1308-1314

  155. Management of Educational Facilities and Infrastructure in Improving the Quality of Learning
    Supatmin,Sofyansauri,Ikka Kartika,Ujang Cepi Barlian
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 1315-1323

  156. Management Strategy of Higher Education in Increasing the Reputation and Competitiveness of University (Case Studies at Karimun University and Universal Batam University)
    Muhiri,Iim Wasliman,Hendi S. Muchtar,Yosal Irianto
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 1324-1329

  157. Implementation Of School Principals in Marketing Mix as An Effort to Increase the Number of New Students in Private Junior High Schools (A Qualitative Study in Yamisa Junior High School and Soreang Putera Junior High School, Bandung Regency)
    Sandi Peratama Idris,Sofyan Sauri,Deti Rostini,Emay Mastiani
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 1330-1339

  158. Kiai's Situational Leadership Style in Fostering Santri Spiritual Intelligence (Case Studies at Pondok Pesantren Daarul Mughni Al-Maaliki Bogor and Pondok Pesantren At-Tawaazun Subang, West Java)
    Wahyudin,Iim Wasliman,Sofyan Sauri,Deti Rostini
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 1340-1351

  159. Management of an Integrated Islamic Education System in Developing Students' Spiritual Intelligence
    Suci Anggraeni,Ade Tutty R. Rosa,R. Supyan Sauri,Agus Mulyanto
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 1372-1380

  160. Multimedia Learning Management to Improve the Life Skills Competencies of Package C Students (Descriptive Study at Pkbm Bina Insan Kamil)
    Euis Suryaningsih,Hendi,Supyan Sauri,Nandang Koswara
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 1381-1394

  161. The Protection of Consumers Owing to The Distribution of Hard Drugs (List G) In Relation to The Law of The Republic of Indonesia Number 36 Of 2009 Concerning Health in The District of Bandung.
    Yuyut Prayuti,Muhammad Faddil DW,Giri Wandi Nugraha,Mochamad Reychan,Rizky Dwi Pamungkas
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 1395-1406

  162. Impact Of Work Environment, Work Discipline, and Compensation on Teaching Motivation of Manba'ul Huda Foundation Teachers, Bandung City
    Brigjen TNI (Purn) Dr. H. Yusuf. S. Sos., M.M,Akmal Trilaksono,Fahri Fahrurozi,N. Dais Nurul Wahidah,Swi Darmono Nainggolan
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 1407-1415

  163. Training for Coconut Waste Craftsman in Entrepreneurship in Entrepreneurship
    Deti Rostini,Rina Herlina
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 1422-1426

  164. Implementation of Student Leadership in Improving the Project Program to Strengthen Pancasila Student Profiles in Public Junior High Schools 4 Sukabumi
    R. Supyan Sauri,Ucu Siti Nurjanah,Raden Mochammad Ariful Akbar
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 1427-1432

  165. Implementation of Teacher Performance Assessment in Improving Teaching Professionalism
    Deti Rostini,Suherman,Ratna Ningsih
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 1433-1437

  166. Laboratory Management in Improving Teacher Performance and Vocational School Student Competence in Mechanical Engineering Expertise Program (Case study at SMKN 1 and SMKN 1 Gunungguruh Sukabumi)
    Ade Tutty R Rosa,Eka Kadaryanto,Basuki Nugroho
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 1438-1442

  167. Management of Digital Literacy in Improving Student Learning Outcomes at Public Junior High School 2, Sukabumi City
    R. Supyan Sauri,Ema Rohimah,Usep Bagja
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 1443-1448

  168. The Influence of the School Principle's Leadership Style and Communication Style on Teacher Performance at 1 Bulakamba 1 State Junior High School, Wanasari 1 Junior High School, and Songgom 2 Smp, Brebes Dwastrict
    Murniasih,Iim Wasliman,Waska,Yosal
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 1465-1470

  169. Anatomical study of vegetative organs for Anethium graveolens L. (Apiaceae)
    Marwan Noori Mohammed,Israa Kareem Nassrullah
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 1471-1475

  170. Altered calcium levels are associated with abnormalities in fasting serum glucose, insulin resistance, and beta-cell function in the Iraqi people
    Zamn R. Hashim,Qutaiba A. Qasim,Falah H Shari
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 1481-1484

  171. Production of Single Cell Protein (SCP) By Local Isolation of Staphylococcus lentus Hydrocarbon Degradation
    Mustafa Dawood Aasi Al-Mehmdi,Zena Ahmed Ali,Nada Ali Attalah Saleh
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 1485-1492

  172. Vitamin D status among pregnant women in Anbar province- Iraq
    Susan Abed Zaidan,Rafal Murshid,Rasha Shakir
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 1493-1496

  173. Use of Enoxaparin with Corticosteroid Dexamethasone in the treatment of COVID-19 patients in Iraq
    Nadeen tareq Alshaer,Mohammed Qasim Yahya Mal Allah AlAtrakji,Mohammed Saleh Humood
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 1476-1480

  174. Evaluation of the influence of the vitex negundo ethyl acetate fraction on the frequency of micronuclei and the mitotic index in mice
    Haider mohammed jabber,Shihab Hattab Mutlag
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 1497-1501

  175. Molecular profile of Streptococcus pneumoniae from Nasopharyngeal swabs of patients with pneumonia using RAPD and PCR detection of lytA, PsaA2, and HtrA virulence genes
    Jaafar Gh. Alomairi,Baidaa Rasoul Dakhil,Abdulaziz Salih Abdulaziz
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 1502-1507

  176. Random Serum Insulin level in prediction of diabetes mellitus type2
    Raheem Sabbar Jebar,Basil O Saleh,Muna Sabbar Jebar
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 1508-1512

  177. Gene expression of agr system in Staphylococcus aureus and it is relation with antibiotic resistance
    Jilan Ahmed Shakur,Rasmiya Abd Aburesha
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 1513-1518

  178. The Role of collagen Supplement to The Improvement of Insulin Resistance
    Bareq E. Taha,Maysaa J. Majeed
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 1519-1525

  179. Development of Amoxicillin by ZnO Nanoparticles and Studying its Activity on Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria
    Dhamaer AL. Tamimi,Mustafa Hammadi
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 1526-1530

  180. The effect of resistance training with and against the locomotor track on some biomechanical variables of the 100-meter freestyle for young men
    Yousif Sareeh Abdul-Kareem AlFadly,Ahmed Thamer Mohsen
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 1531-1536

  181. Green Synthesis of Mn3O4 Nanoparticles using chia seeds extract, characterization, and cytotoxicity on the HL-60 cells
    Alaa Ibrahim,Mustafa Hammadi
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 1537-1542

  182. Uses of Silver nanoparticles as an antibacterial against Klebsiella pneumonia isolate from different infection.
    Ali A. AL-Muhana,Adil Ibadi AL-Luhaiby
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 1543-1546

  183. Potential Health Risks of Heavy Metal Contents in Bottled Water from Local Iraqi Market
    Hassan M. Salieh AL Fayadh,Mazin M. Ibrahim Al-Zubaidi,Moath A. Najem
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 1547-1552

  184. Diagnosis and Genome Sequence with Aphylogenetic tree of SARS-COV-2isolated from a COVID-19 patients in all Iraqi Hospitals
    Mohammed issa mohsin,Hani Mousa Badr,Nada Noori Younis,Manal Abid Ahmed,Durad Qassim Jassim,Elham A. Kalaf,Nawras A. Tawfeeq,Yousif Tahssen Yousif,Farah Ahmed Mohammed
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 1553-1557

  185. Assessment of low dose Combined Spinal Epiduralanal-gesia during labor in Babil Teaching Hospital for Mater-nity and Children, 2022.
    Dunia Ali Alhaidari,Jawad Kadhim Al-bairmani,Hadeel Jaleel Ameen,Waleed Abd Ali Aakool Bairmani
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 1558-1566

  186. The Reasons for the October 2019 Youth Protests Against the Corrupt Regime in Iraq
    Ahmed SaleemJanabi
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 1567-1574

  187. Microwave Assisted Synthesis of Pyromellitdiimide Bis Schiff Bases and Evaluation of Their Antimicrobial Activity
    Tabarek Mohammed Yassen,AhlamMarouf Al-Azzawi
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 1575-1580

  188. Microscopic and molecular study of Sarcoptes scabies in Iraq
    Amer Ali Saleh,Muntaha M Al-Alouci,Abdulla S. Al Hassan
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 1581-1586

  189. E Selectin Gene Polymorphism in Female under InVitro Fertilization Program
    Raghad Hameed Rashid,Asmaa M.Salih Almohaidi,Alia Hussain Ali
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 1587-1592

  190. Assessment of the level of collagen type I, II and some elements and their correlation with the types of treatments for patients with rheumatoid arthritis according to disease activity
    ShahlaaS. Mahmood,Halla G. Mahmood,Mohammed H. Alosami
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 1593-1599

  191. A History of Long-Term Proton Pump Inhibitors Reduces the Serum Calcium and Magnesium Levels Irrespective of Parathyroid Hormone
    Namareq M. Ali,Halla G. Mahmood,Mohammed H. Alosami
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 1600-1608

  192. Experimental Study on Early Bone Fracture Healing in The Rabbit Using Bone Graft Combined with Salmon Calcitonin, Immunohistochemical and Histological Outcomes
    Majeed A. A,Abdulameer H. H
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 1609-1614

  193. Preparation And Characterization of Alkyd Resin Polymer of Vegetable Oil Under the Influence of a Catalyst and A Kinetic Study of Its Polymerization
    Abdulhadi Mohammed Faisal,Ghalib Adrees Atiya
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 1615-1620

  194. Uranium Concentration levels assessment in Soils and Leafy Plants at several Areas in Baghdad using CR-39 Track Detector
    Suha Abbas Ibrahim,Ali T. Aljanabi,Ruaa M. Ali
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 1621-1625

  195. An Alternative Material for The Human Body for Radiotherapy in Diagnostic Tests
    Khalidah G. Hasan,Atyaf H. Kazem
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 1626-1630

  196. Review Of Functional Constipation in Pediatric Age Group: A Retrospective Study
    Habeeb Ali Yaseen,Yazen Nazhan Hameed,Mikdad I. Ab
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 1631-1636

  197. PCR detection of Staphylococcus aureus isolated from sub-clinical mastitis of goat with expression immune responses genes.
    Rana A. Fayez,Hanaa k. Ibrahim,Alyaa S. Jasim
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 1637-1643

  198. The Relationship between Ejection Fraction and Cardiac Biochemical Parameters in Left Bundle Branch Block Patients
    Rawaa Abdulmutalib,Raid M. H. Al-Salih,Adnan Taan Al-Khafaji
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 1644-1649

  199. Hepcidin, Iron Regulatory Hormone: Association with Patients with Heart Failure and Anemia
    Saba Fathi Abd Al-razaq,Sami R. Alkatib,Karim O. Al Naffi
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 1650-1655

  200. The relationship between NOS and GSH in liver infected with hydatid cysts.
    Hussein Flayeh Issa,Nagham Y. Al-Bayati,Waleed Ahmed Hassan
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 1656-1660

  201. Design and synthesis of some novel sulfamethoxazole derivatives bearing β-lactam moiety and evaluate their antibacterial activities
    Marwan H. Anowar,Ziad T. I. Alkayar
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 1661-1667

  202. The reduction of IL6 serum level after four months of COVID- 19 infection in the medical staff of Neurosurgery Teaching Hospital in Baghdad
    Mawada N. Abdulla,Ahmed R. Abdulla,Mustafa J. Al-Ghazi
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 1668-1672

  203. Effect of infection with the giant liver fluke (Fasciola gigantica) on the Superoxide dismutase (SOD) in liver tissue naturally infected with parasite.
    Nisreen Ali Al-Tamimi,Nagham Y. Al-Bayati
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 1673-1676

  204. Simultaneous Estimation of multiple components, Dapsone, Streptomycin and Ampicillin Using modified spectrophotometric methods
    Osamah Mohammed Kamil,Ahmed Mahdi Saeed,Salam Abas Hassan,Tariq k. ibraheem
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 1677-1683

  205. The role of Interleukin-6 with Heart Failure: A Case-Control study
    Saba Fathi Abd Al-razaq ,Sami R. Alkatib ,Karim O. Al Naffi
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 1684-1688

  206. Dynamic effect of zinc on fungal infection in IBD patients
    Alaa Saad Hasan ,Thamer A.A. Muhs ,Hazima Mossa Alabassi
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 1689-1694

  207. Gastrointestinal bleeding as an extrapulmonary effect of COVID-19 infection
    Ahmed Hasan R. Al Zurfi ,Suhad Kadum Ali ,Ali Talib M. Al Masoodi ,Ali Baay
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 1695-1702

  208. Molecular investigation of Beta lactamase gene shv in Klebisella pneumonia isolated from diabetic foot patients in Najaf province
    Hala Ridha Abbas Al-Fahham
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 1703-1707

  209. Genotyping of rs12997 SNP in binding site of let-7b miRNA in colorectal cancer
    Abbas Raheeem Ibraheem Al–Fetlawy ,Liwaa Hussein Mahdi AL-kilabi ,Mona Najah Al-Terehi
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 1708-1715.

  210. Study of Morphological and Genetic Characteristics of Probiotic Bacteria isolated from Local Fermented Milk
    Nada Aqeel Karam Al-Khafaji ,Hussein L. Algboory
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 1716-1723

  211. Determinants of Disease Specific Health-Related Quality of Life in Stroke Patients attending General Hospitals in Diyala Governorate, Iraq
    Rana Adnan Ksip ,Atta Ah Alsarray ,Hanaa Adel Omer
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 1724-1731

  212. Comparison of Radiation Dosimetry of PET/CT and Ct For Lung and Stomach Wall Organs
    Zaid Mohammed Safi ,Jenan Hussein Taha ,Mohamed Sadoon Al-Shammaa
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 1732-1736

  213. Effect of Capparis spinosa Ethanolic Extract on Testosterone induced alopecia in Mice
    Qudra Faisal abduljabbar ,Fouad Kadhim Gatea ,Kholod A. Ali
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 1737-1742

  214. An animal study of the histo-physiological influence of green tea extract on the lead nitrate-treated heart
    Al-Asadi Ekhlas ,Al-Mahdi Hameda ,Burhan Mariam ,Chabuk Shahlaa ,Al-Hindy Hayder
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 1743-1748

  215. Phenotypic and Molecular characterization of Streptococcus mutans isolated from Teeth decayed in Babylon Province
    Suha Hamid Obaid Almamoori ,Melda Dölarslan ,Basima Ahmed Abdullah
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 1753-1757

  216. Molecular expression of inflammatory cytokines (interleukin IL-1B, IL-6, IL-10 and INF-ɤ among patients with breast cancer
    Zinah Fathi Jameel ,Dawood Salman Mahdi ,Ihsan Edan Alsaimary
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 1758-1762

  217. The multifaceted role of Dectin-1 and Card9 in inflammatory bowel disease Iraqi patients
    Alaa Saad Hasan ,Hazima Mossa Alabassi ,Thamer A.A. Muhsen
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 1763-1768

  218. Uremic polyneuropathy: Correlation with parathyroid hormone levels, cross-sectional study among hemodialyzed patients
    Thaier Kareem Abdul- Aa'ama ,Riyadh Muhi Abbood Al- Saegh ,Fouad Shareef Dleikh ,Ihsan Mohammad Ajeena
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 1775-1781

  219. Consumption of Sugar and COVID-19 severity
    Hadeel Haider Aldujaili ,Hussein A. Abdalrudha Al-Baka ,Manar Kareem Alquraishy
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 1782-1785

  220. Effect of Diabetes Self-Management Education and Support Using social media on Glycemic Control Among Patients with Diabetes Type 2
    Abeer Amin Mohammad ,Jafar Alshraideh
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 1786-1792

  221. The Social Causes of Social Phobia Among Postgraduate Students: A Field Study at the University of Baghdad
    Shahad Etehad Ajel, Hamza Jawad Khudair
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 1792-1799

  222. Synthesized, Optical Properties and Biological Activity of Copper Oxide Nanoparticles Prepared by Various Parameters of Laser Ablation Technique I5n DDW
    Khalaf Ajaj ,Abdullah M. Ali
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 1800-1807

  223. Effect of Thymus Vulgaris Essential Oil in Experimentally Induced Hyperlipidemic Mice
    Saba Naseer Abbas ,Ahmed Rahmah Abu Raghif ,Elaf Mahmood Shihab ,Saja Majeed Shareef ,Mais Muslim Albu-Ahmed ,Ahmed Naseer mandalawi
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 1808-1813

  224. Phenomenon of Violence Against Men in Light of the Covid-19 Pandemic, Causes and Effects
    Ansaf Jasim Alwan ,Prof. Dr. Farida Jassim Darah
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 1814-1821

  225. Estimation of Uranium Concentrations in Urine Samples for Several Different Ages of Patients Using the Nuclear Track Detector CR-39: A Case Study of Nineveh Governorate
    Omar W. Mohammad ,Asmaa A. Aziz
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 1822-1826

  226. Medical Application of Staphylolysin Enzyme Lasa Against Pathogenic Bacteria and Fungi
    Anwaar S. Mahmoud ,Entesar H. Ali
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 1827-1833

  227. The Narrators Among the Mothers of the Believers from the Two Migrations
    Samahr Ibrahim Khalaf ,Shaimaa Mohammed Hamza
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 1834-1844

  228. Effects Of Dry Needling and Dry Needling Combined with Electrical Stimulation on Pain and Function in Patients with Subacute Musculoskeletal Neck Pain Following Myofascial Trigger Points
    Ali ALchlaihawi ,Siamak Bashardoust Tajali ,Kazem Malmir ,Tamador Sabah Mahdi
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 1845-1858

  229. Changes in the Production Flow and Structure of Writing Digital Age News Content; From Inverted Pyramids to Algorithmics (Case Study of Pikiran Rakyat Media Network, Regional Media Group in West Java, Indonesia)
    Erwin Kustiman ,Dadang Rahmat Hidayat ,Dian Wardiana Sjuchro ,Hadi Suprapto Arifin
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 1859-1869

  230. Expression of FGFR2 in breast cancer Iraqi patients
    Zainab Anass Slman ,Mahfoodha Abbas Umran ,Hadeel Kamil Abudhla Alwachi
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 1870-1875

  231. Molecular assessment of Single-Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs) of rs2910164G> Cgene that associated with Rheumatoid arthritis and Urinary Tract Infections
    Hussein Khalid Zwain ,Hawraa A.A. Al-Dahhan
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 1876-1881

  232. The effect of the Organic Cation Transporters1 (OCT1) gene polymorphism on the therapeutic efficacy of metformin in type 2 diabetic patients in Basrah/ Southern Iraq
    Rawnaq Adil Aladhab ,Abdulkareem Hameed Abd ,Haider Ayad Alidrisi ,Majid Hameed Alabbood
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 1882-1893

  233. Multi regression analysis of some parameters using COVID 19 patients as a model
    Fayhaa M. Khleel ,Ekhlass M. Taha ,Areej Shawkat Hameed ,Gulboy Abdolmajeed Nasir
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 1894-1901

  234. Effect of Polymer Type and Concentration on Preparation of Cilnidipine Nanoparticle (A Preformulation Study)
    Ruaa A. Alzalzalee ,Hanan J. Kassab
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 1902-1906

  235. Regional and International Impacts and Repercussion of (AUKUS) Alliance
    Zeyad Tariq Abdel Razzaq ,Mohammed Mezher Kaood
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 1907-1912

  236. Hormonal Study for Iraqi Women with Polycystic Ovary syndrome
    Shahad Abbas Hameed ,Fatin Fadhel Mohammed Al-Kazazz ,Ahmed Mahdi Rheima
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 1913-1917

  237. The relationship of Mirna 155 with the target gene SOCS1 in Rheumatoid arthritis in Iraqi patients
    Fatimah Ghuraibawi ,Haidar J. Muhammed
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 1918-1922

  238. Copper effect on the structural and optical properties affecting the gas sensitivity of titanium oxide nanofilms
    Mohammad Adil Razooqi ,Zuhair N. Majeed
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 1923-1928

  239. The effect of relaxation, stress management, and recovery exercises on a number of physical variables among young soccer players
    Ahmed Jassim Abed ,Atef Abdul Khaleq Ahmed
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 1929-1936

  240. The effect of customer knowledge management on innovative marketing
    Ruaa Sadkan Abd-Hassan ,Atheer Abdullah Mohammed
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 1937-1945

  241. Epidemiology of pediatric ocular trauma in Al-Anbar province. Iraq
    Mohammed Abdallah Mohammed
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 1946-1948

  242. Dominance of Communication Programs and the development of Social Capital in The family
    Haider Abdullah Hayawi ,Zekra Jamil Mohamed Hussein
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 1949-1958

  243. Evaluation of the Biological Activity of Nickel oxide-Nanoparticles as antibacterial Staphylococcus aureus
    Sarab Morad ,Laith A. Yaaqoob
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 1959-1969

  244. Relationship between Fetuin-B and Diabetic Nephropathy in Iraqi Patients
    Hend Ahmed Abass ,Bayader Abdul Hussein Mahmeed ,Wasan T. Al-Rubayee
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 1970-1975

  245. Oxidative stress in Left bundle branch block patients determined by serum malondialdehyde and ceruloplasmin levels
    Rawaa Abdulmutalib ,Raid M. H. Al-Salih ,Adnan Taan Al-Khafaji
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 1976-1980

  246. Study the correlation between HAMP gene polymorphism (582A/G) and beta thalassemia in Kirkuk city
    Rajaa Mosa Ismail ,Ektifa Abdul Hamid Muhammad
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 1981-1984

  247. A study of vitamin D concentration and some physiological variables among patients with beta thalassemia in Kirkuk city
    Rajaa Mosa Ismail ,Ektifa Abdul Hamid Muhammad
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 1985-1989

  248. Role of Amyloid A in atherosclerosis risk prediction
    Ameen Abdulhasan Al Alwany ,Ahlamalilafta ,Maysaa J. Majeed
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 1990-1992

  249. Solubility Enhancement of Telmisartan as Solid Dispersion by Different Methods
    Hiba A. Aziz ,Entidhar J. Al-Akkam
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 1993-1997

  250. Early detection of Non-alcoholic Liver Disease in type 2 Diabetes mellitusIraqi patients by assessment of Transthyretin, clusterin, and retinol binding protein4 with liver of enzymes by Ultrasound imaging
    Ghasak Hashim Sakban ,Sandbaker Mohammed ,Tawfeeq F. R. Al-Auqbi
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 1998-2003

  251. Study Early Detection of Serum Transthyretin in Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease and Its Complex Relation with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus by Sonographic Features
    Ghasak Hashim Sakban ,Sand baker Mohammed ,Tawfeeq F. R. Al-Auqbi
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 2004-2008

  252. Ultrasound Elastography Image Artifacts
    Abdullah Alotaibi ,Hatem Besbes ,Faiq Fatani ,Fayez Alharbi
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 2009-2024

  253. Effect Of Vitamin D Correction in Depressed Patients with Metabolic Syndrome and Reflection of This on General Health
    Tamer Mohamed Abd Elkader ,Amal H Ibrahim ,Heba Shoman ,Marwa Mohy Eldin Abdelrahman Ahmed ,Sarah Younes Abdelaziz ,Abeer Mohammed Abdul-Mohymen ,Marwa A. Elsaid ,Fatima G. Yehia ,Medhat Mohamed Abdelsalam Darwish ,Shaymaa Mohammed Arafa ,Safaa Mahmoud Hammouda ,Amgad Ahmed Meshref Gabr ,Ahmed Mohamed Khalifa ,Mona M. Amin ,Maryam Mohammed Mohammed Hamouda ,Hanan Ahmed Abd Almohymen ALfiky
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 2025-2035

  254. Evaluation Effects of Synergistic Iron Oxide Nanoparticles and Antibiotics as Cytotoxic Effects of Activated Lymphocytes and Antibacterial Activity.
    Sahar Qassim ,Mazin K. Hamid ,Mais E. Ahmed
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 2036-2043

  255. Evaluation Of Apolipoprotein B In Type Ii Diabetes Mellitus Patients
    Mohammed Abdulrazzaq Assi ,Abdullah Haider Abdulkadem
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 2044-2048

  256. Evaluate The Genotoxicity of Two Different Doses of Methanolic Extract of Vitex Negundo (Leaf) On Bone Marrow, Spleen and Peripheral Blood Cells in Mice
    Shihab Hattab Mutlaq ,Haider Mohammed jabber
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 2049-2056

  257. Comparison of efficacy of intralesional methotrexate and Vitamin D3 injections in the treatment of common wart
    Hero Ibrahim Hussein ,Dindar Sharif Qurtas ,Pers Yousif Yaaqub
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 2057-2061

  258. The Historical Context of the Emergence of Conditional Theatre in Mayerhold's Work and Its Impacts on Bertold Brecht's Epic Theater (A new reading in the comparison between the creations of Meyerhold and Brecht)
    Moayyad Shafeeq Hamza ,Ahmad Mohammad Al-Faleh
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 2062-2070

  259. Effectiveness of Biologic Therapy in Inflammatory Bowel Disease in Duhok
    Ari Z. Sedeeq ,Laween S. Ahmed ,Ramadhan S. Issa ,Azad S. Mohammed ,Ali A. Ramadhan
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 2071-2077

  260. Investigating The Effect of Midazolam on Pediatric's Sedation and Anxiety
    Alireza Montaseri ,Afzal Shamsi ,Zainab hashem aziz ,Mojgan Rahimi ,Sarmad Abdulkadhim Abdullh
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 2078-2086

  261. Epidemiological Features of Maternal Mortality in Five Years Registered in Babylon Maternity and Pediatric Hospital: Retrospective Study
    Kareem Hameed Rasheed ,Mustafa Sami Mohammed ,Mohammed FahemIdan ,Abdhullah AlwanSakhil ,Sagad Nazim Hamza ,Haider Jawad Haider
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 2087-2092

  262. Evaluation of some Biochemical Markers in Serum of Patients with COVID-19 infection and Healthy Subjects Receiving Pfizer Vaccine in Babylon – Iraq
    Ban Mahmood Shaker Aӏ-Joda
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 2093-2097

  263. Vaccination Coverage Among Under Five Years Old Children in Erbil Governorate: A Comprehensive Survey
    Farqad Ahmed Jawad ,Namir Ghanim Al-Tawil
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 101-109

  264. The Impact of Hepcidin in Diabetic Patients with Nephropathy
    Muthana A. Majid ,Muthanna I. AL-Ezzi ,Huda Jaber Waheed
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 110-113

  265. Estimation the Importance of Serum Calcium Level Depending on The Effect Index in Coronary Artery Obstruction
    Maysaa J. Majeed ,Ahlam Ali Lafta ,Ameen Abdulhasan Al Alwany
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 114-119

  266. Assessment of Alpha-Fetoprotein in Cerebrospinal Fluid, Plasma and Its Correlation to Some Biochemical Parameters in New Born with Congenital Hydrocephalus
    Eqbal Abdul Ameer ,Shifaa Jameel Ibrahim ,Ali Tarik Abdul Wahid
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 2120-2129

  267. Isolation and molecular identification of Klebsiella pneumonia from different human samples in Anbar province
    Nada Ali Attalah ,Mustafa Dawood Aasi Al-Mehmdi
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 2130-2136

  268. A Study on the Role of Hypokalemia in Infections with Covid-19 Virus in Babylon province
    Anwar Abd-Al-Hameed Kamal ,Shrooq Majeed Mohameed Saeed
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 2137-2141

  269. Hybrid Methodology for the Synthesis of Copper Oxide Nanoparticles and Evaluation of Antibacterial Agent
    Huda J. Mohamed ,Rasha S. Ahmed ,Laith A. Yaaqoob
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 2142-2149

  270. Immunological and Bacteriological Study of Autism Spectrum Disorder
    Israa Zuhier Hamad ,Fatima Rammadan Abdul ,Hanan Tariq Subhi
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 2158-2165

  271. Effect of alginate on the oocytes viability
    Mudhafar Abdulhussein M ,Latifa Lassoud ,Muhammad-Baqir M-R.Fakhrildin
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 2166-2173

  272. Evaluation of Osteocalcin and Pro-Collagen Type 1 Pro-Peptide as Predictors of Bone Integrity in Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease
    Huseein Mohammed Kadhim ,Dawood S. Mahdi
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 2174-2182

  273. Preparation and Evaluation of Felodipine Drug Nanoparticles
    Hiba Ezzat Hamed
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 2183-2194

  274. Polymorphism of Endothelin-1 Gene in Iraqi Infertile Females under In Vitro Fertilization Program
    Zainab Jalil Abdulkareem ,Asmaa M. Salih Almohaidi
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 2195-2205

  275. Study immunological parameters ADA activity and ferritin with Toxoplasmosis in Pregnancy woman in Iraq
    Ashjan Mohammed Hussein ,Raghad.Hameed Rashid ,Bassam Qasim Mohammed ,Tareq Hafdhi Abdtawfeeq
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 2206-2213

  276. The Level of T Cells Specific to the SARS-Cov-2 Virus and Asymptomatic Infection and the Immunogenicity of a Vaccine.
    Hayam A. Desoky
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 2214-2222

  277. Circulatory Periostin levels as a Biomarker of Asthma Severity
    Amjed H. Abbas ,Shahlaa Kh. Chabuk ,Husam Mohammed Ali Salih ,Ahmed Hussein Jasim ,Dr. Munqith Abdul-mohsin Kadhim ,Hayder Abdul-Amir Al-Hindy
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 2223-2231

  278. Bacteriological, Immunological and Molecular Detection of Salmonella typhi among Children Suffering from Diarrheal Infection in Baghdad provinces
    Nibras S. Al-Ammar ,Hayat Ghaith Sachit ,Nazhat Mahmood Abdlkareem AL-Zubaidi ,Azad H. Faraj
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 2232-2241

  279. Oral Health of Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease Undergoing Hemodialysis
    Zainab Mahmood Jasim ,Farah Adnan Taha ,Hayder Aledan ,Zainab Abdulkareem Maktoof
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 2242-2246

  280. Prostatic Specific Antigen and its Correlation with Prostatic Cancer in a Sample of Iraqi Population
    Muataz Mohammed Al-Taee ,Ola Kamal
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 2247-2252

  281. Evaluation the Gene Expression of P27 and SKP2 Genes in Iraqi Women Patients with Breast Cancer
    Israa Allawi Luaibi Al-Hraishawi ,Ziad M. Alkhozai ,Hadeel Jabar Neama Almuoswi
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 2253-2264

  282. Characterization of Protease isolated from Staphylococcus aureus local isolates at Hilla City, Iraq. Analytical chemical study
    Rana S. Al-Shemary ,Hayder Abdul-Amir Makki Al-Hindy ,Hussein O.M. Al-Dahmoshi ,Noor S. K. Al-Khafaji
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 2265-2274

  283. A Qualitative Study of Hospitals Decision-Makers Regarding Infection Prevention Control
    Ayad A. Rashid ,Samir M. Othman
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 2284-2295

  284. Outcome of Flexible Ureretrenoscope With Compare to Without Use of Ureteral Access Sheath in Iraqi Patients, Retrospective Study
    Jihad Anad Khalef ,Shaymaa Abed Hasan ,Ahmed Nazar
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 2296-229

  285. Pregnancy and left ventricular remodeling: Echocardiography parameter.
    Dr. Hadeel Ali Mahamda ,Dr. Ameen Al Alwany
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 2300-2307

  286. Detection of VIM And IMP Metallo- Beta- Lactamase Genes in Carbapenem Resistant Pseudomonas Aeruginosa Isolated from Different Clinical Infection in AL- Najaf Province
    Enas Jalil Baqer Almayali ,Abbas Shaker AL-muhana
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 2315-2321.

  287. Molecular Study of Extended Spectrum Β-Lactamases Genes (Blashv, Blactxm) in Klebsiella Pneumoniae Isolated from Patients Infected with Pneumonia
    Angham jasim Mohammed Ali ,Miaad K. Alkhudhairy ,Dhabaa D. Tobal
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 2322-2331

  288. The Study of The Pattern of Back Pain Patients in Babylon Province
    Ali Abbas Hashim Almusawi
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 2340-2344

  289. Genotypic Detection of Some Biofilm Formation Genes Among Staphylococcus Epidermidis Isolated from Patients Suffering from Otitis Media
    Baha Hamdi Hakiem AL-Amiedi
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 2345-2354

  290. A Comparative Study of Edward Albee and Oneil’s Plays in Perspective of Karma
    Jihad Jaafar Waham ,Mohanad Naeem Hulaib ,Emad Mohammad Abbar
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 2355-2362

  291. The Way to the Self and Midlife Crisis in Tyler’s Novel “Morgan’s Passing” Through the Lens of Jungian Process of Individuation
    Rafea Mohsin Alwan
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 2263-2371

  292. Study The Effect of Tenoxicam and Ibuprofen Drugs Used for Treatment of Hyperuricemia in Blood Human
    Allaa Hussein Mhdi
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 2385-2388

  293. Effects of AuNPs capped gelatin and photodynamic of laser on evaluation of response in superficial skin tumors in laboratory mice
    Entidhar Jasim Khamees ,Esraa Fareed Saeed
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 2394-2401

  294. The Comparative Study of Some Immunological Technique and Diagnosis of Hydatidososis by Using Crude Ag of Hydatid Cyst
    Khalid R. Kareem ,Hussein Wahhab Rabeea ,Haidar Jiham Abdulfadhil
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 2402-2407

  295. Association of Bcl-2 Associated X Protein (Bax) with Immunopathogenesis of Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome
    Israa Abdulrasool Abbas Nafty ,Alaa S. Alattabi ,Dhamiaa M. Hamza ,Hameedah Hadi Abdulwahid
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 2408-2413.

  296. Comparative Study Between Mdct in Chest and Brain Ct Scan by Dose and Image Quality Parameters
    Masar Ali Obeed ,Rasha Sabeeh Ahmed ,Mohammed Bader Hassan
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 2414-2420

  297. The Role of Monogenic Factors in Recurrent Pregnancy Loss in Iraqi Consanguineous Family with Variant Identifications by Couple whole Exome Sequencing Test
    Ahmed Qasem Mohammed ,Rasha Abd Ali Al-Khalidi
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 2421-2428

  298. Incidence of Covid-19 Infection Among Tb Patients in Basrah City
    Eiman Ali Saeed ,Amjad Maya Rodeen ,Dheaa Bukheet Abdullah
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 2429-2432

  299. Predictive Biomarkers of Newly Diagnosed Patients with Plasma Cells Tumor
    Zeyad Tareq Habeeb ,Zainab A. Razak Al-Sharifi ,Rahem Mahdy Rahem
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 2435-244

  300. DNA Methylation in Radiology Workers in some Hospitals of Baghdad
    Dunia Ali Shamsi ,Rasha Sabeeh Ahmed ,Haidar Ahmed Shamran
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 2441-2452

  301. Neuroprotective effects of Ursodeoxy cholic-acid in comparison to Diazepam against Pilocarpine-induced status epilepticus in experimental rats
    Zainab Adil ,Ahmed Hamed ,Ammar Amer
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 2459-2465

  302. The Association of Inflammatory markers,Interleukin-6, Procalcitonin, COVID-19 immunoglobulins with the severity of COVID-19 patients
    Zainab Noaman Eyada ,Raid J. M. Al-Timimi ,Haitham AL-Kubaisy ,Yasir M. Abdulateef
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 2466-2471

  303. Development of a Self-Microemulsifying Solid Dosage Formulation for Enhanced Solubility and Stability of Meloxicam: A Comprehensive Study
    Saja Abdulkareem Muhammed ,Khalid Kadhem Al-Kinani
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 2478-2488

  304. Glutathione S-transferase Theta (GSTT1) and Mu (GSTM1) Genes Polymorphisms in Patients with Coronary Heart Disease in Thi Qar Province
    Hayder Hussein Jalood ,Ali Jumaah Alhussona
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 2496-2500

  305. Docking, ADMET Study, Synthesis and Biological Evaluation of Isoxazole Derivatives as Potential Histone Deacetylase Inhibitors
    Ali Mohammed Saeed Abdulameer ,Ayad Abed Ali Al-Hamashi
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 2501-2508

  306. Evaluation of Growth Differentiation Factor-15 levels in Rheumatoid Arthritis Iraqi Patients with and without diabetes
    Dunia Yousif AL- Janabi ,Shatha Abdul Wadood AL-Shammaree
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 2509-2516

  307. The isolation and analysis of K. pneumoniae258 virulence factor genes at the molecular level
    Zainab Mahdi Kadhom Al-Sendi ,Ilham A. Bunyan
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 2527-2533

  308. The relationship between thyroid hormones and IGF-1 after thyroidectomy
    Essam N. T ,Raid M. H. AL-Salih
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 2534-2538.

  309. Histopathological Assessment of Colonic Biopsy in Patients with Bleeding Per Rectum: A Clinicopathological Study
    Dalia Alaa Mohammed ,Sazan Abdulwahab Mirza
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 2539-2359

  310. Dothideoxanthone, Immunosuppressive and Antioxidant Agents from Endophytic Fungus Aspergillus Costaricensis
    Maha H. Tawfeeq ,Areej H. S. Aldhaher ,Awatif H. Issa ,Inaam M.N. Alrubayae
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 2600-2604

  311. The Prevalence of Hereditary Elliptocytosis in Iraq-Kerbala
    Mohammed Shnain Ali ,Zainab Al-Ali ,Duha Maithem Hassan
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 2605-2616

  312. Formulation and In vitro Evaluation of Peppermint Oil Based Nanoemulgel of Luliconazole for Topical Application
    Ahmed M. Kmkm ,Mowafaq M. Ghareeb
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 2605-2616

  313. Evaluation Of Immunological Parameters Among Farmer’s Workers Exposed Mixture of Different Pesticides Types in Different Durations
    Haneen Abdulsalam ,Maan Abdul Azeez Shafeeq ,Jamela Jouda
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 2617-2623

  314. Immunological tolerance induced by parasitic Infections in Type-1 Diabetes Mellitus children
    Hiba Ali Hadi AL-Khadhi ,Hayam Khalis Al-Masoudi ,Mohammed Salih Mahdi
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 2624-263

  315. Urinary 302bmicroRNAs gene expression in recurrent lower urinary tract infection caused by Pseudomonas aeruginosa Isolates.
    Bareq A. Allateef ,Maysaa S. Alshukri ,Mohammad R. Jodi
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 2636-2640

  316. Effect of UVC on allelopathic potential of lupine against metabolites and their biosynthetic enzymes of Portulacaolercea
    Oday J. Kadhim ,Sayed F. El-Halawany ,Hamed M. El-Shora
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 2641-2648

  317. Pregnancy-Related Hypertension Problems Are a Major Risk Factor for Developing Cardiovascular Disease Later in Life.
    Muhammad Hashim Kalwar ,Ahmed Noor ,Iram Jehan Balouch ,Samir Rehman ,Sarfraz Hussain Sahito ,Ghulam Abbas Shaikh
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 2649-2652

  318. A Randomized Controlled Trial of Femoral Tunnel Fixation Devices, Aperture Fixation by Screw Vs. Suspensory Fixation by Endo-Button in Arthroscopic Anterior Cruciate Ligament Restoration
    Hussain Bux Palh ,Abdul Rahman khan ,Hassan Amir us Saqlain ,Malik Wasim Ahmed Majoka ,Nadeem Hassan ,Aurangzeb Husain Qureshi
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 2653-2656

  319. Results of Using Tension Band Wiring for the Treatment of Transverse Patellar Fractures
    Sajid Younus ,Mushtaque Ahmed Shaikh ,Waseem Ahmed ,Fayaz Hussain ,Muhammad Shuaib Chandio ,Suhail Wisal
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 2657-2660

  320. Exploring Psychosocial Barriers of E-yoga Training: A Trainers? Perspective
    Ayesha Noor ,Talia Sharaf ,Muhammad Imran ,Muhammad Rafiq ,Nayab Bukhari
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 2661-2667

  321. Prevalence and Pattern of Impacted Mandibular Third Molar An Institutionbased Retrospective Study
    Ankita Raj, Prasanna Kumar P, Ankur Rathaur, Paras Kasal, Francis John Alapatt , Ayushi Agarwal
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 2668–2675

  322. Smile Design
    Aarti Kiroula , Sunita Pathak , Rajeev Pathak , Abhishek Singh Sherawat
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 2668–2681

  323. Examining the relationship between Occupational stress and nicotine dependence and its impact on oral health among the night security guards of Guwahati city, Assam.
    Bijoy Bikram Das, Nidhi Pruthi Shukla, Charu Chitra Ramesh, Vaibhav Bansal, Rohma Yusuf, Smiriti Tripathi ,
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 2682–2693

  324. Triglyceride-glucose index: a surrogate marker of homeostasis model assessment of insulin resistance to predict diabetic nephropathy
    Chander Khatri , Kiran Kumari , Fnu Reeha , FNU Reea , Ravi Raja , Aroon Kumar
    2023; Volume -9 , Issue -1 : Page: 2694-2705