ISSN 2409-5834


Ethical Rules

Editorial Ethics

The journal “History of Medicine” is guided by the ethical standards taken by the international scientific community. The Publication Ethics of the journal “History of Medicine” are based on the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). Code of Conduct guidelines available at

Publisher remains neutral on the materials published in the journal. The journal “History of Medicine” is guided by the ethical standards invented by the Committee on Publications Ethics (COPE), The European Association of Science Editors (EASE), The Council of Science Editors (CSE), The Association of science editors and publishers (ASEP).

Author of the article, editor, reviewer and publisher must keep with ethical standards at all stages of publications, from the submitting the article to its publication in the journal. Authors, reviewers, Editorial Board membersEditorial Council members, editorial staff, and all participants in the publishing of information provided by the Journal shall comply with the ethical rules of the Journal.

The Editor-in-Chief, members of the Editorial Board, the Editorial Council, and the editorial staff play an important role in the resolution of the potential of fabrication of data, falsification, plagiarism, image manipulation, unethical research, biased reporting, copyright infringement, redundant or duplicate publication and conflict of interests.

The Editor-in-Chief is responsible for ethical support and control:
• responds to inquiries from of readers and authors;
• provides high quality published materials;
• guarantees and provides freedom of expression;
• provides the integrity of published scientific papers;
• when necessary, provides the publication of amendments, clarifications, retractions, and apologies.

Decisions about publishing or rejecting articles are based solely on their value, originality, readability and suitability of the contents to the subject matter of the Journal. The rules for authors and reviewers shall be regularly reviewed and corrected, indicating all applicable requirements. The Editor-in-chief and editorial staff shall provide reviewers with the right to privacy and confidentiality concerning the materials up until the time of their publication. They shall also timely respond to complaints. It is permissible to publish reasonable criticism of material previously published in the Journal if the Editor-in-Chief or other staff does not provide compelling reasons to refrain from such publication. The author of the material reviewed has the right to know its contents before its publication, as well as respond to the comments made.

The Editor-in-chief and editorial staff shall take appropriate action in the event of suspected breach of ethical standards (to seek clarification from the authors, in case of unsatisfactory response – to refer to the relevant employer, organization, or perhaps an authority with request to conduct an investigation, etc.). If an investigation reveals an instance of falsification, the article is not accepted for publication, and the details of the case are brought to the attention of the readers. Decisions about publications of articles are made based on their quality and interest to readers.

The interests (financial, personal, political, religious) of the participants of the publication process (authors, Editor-in-Chief, members of the Editorial Board and the Editorial Council, editorial staff, reviewers, and others), which may affect the performance and objective evaluation of the study must be disclosed.

Unlawful actions include:
• forgery, falsification and manipulation of images;
• plagiarism (misappropriation of intellectual property, as well as significant copying of other works);
• Duplicate or redundant publication (verbatim copying of the contents of other publications by the same author).

Any previous publications must be disclosed in the article.
Statements about the alleged misconduct, containing detailed evidence to substantiate the claims, must be taken into account even in cases of anonymity.

The Journal encourages discussion and useful criticism of the published works.
During the consideration of the article the Editorial Board may examine the material through the system “Anti-plagiarism”. If the Editorial Board find any borrowing it should acts in accordance with the rules of COPE

Ethics of the Authors

An author is a researcher, who made a significant intellectual contribution to the published work and presented the results of their research. In the case of joint authorship, each author is responsible for at least one component of the work and should be aware of the contribution of others. Each author has to be fully confident in the qualification and professionalism of the co-authors. All people identified as authors must meet the definition of authorship. Participation in work of each author should be substantial enough, as it is a public responsibility for its corresponding component. Authors are able to enter into separate, additional contractual arrangements for the non-exclusive distribution of the journal’s published version of the work (e.g., post it to an institutional repository or publish it in a book), with an acknowledgement of its initial publication in this journal.

Authors can make the separate, additional contractual arrangements for the dissemination of the published work (for example, place it in the university repository or publish it in a book), with an acknowledgment of its initial publication in this journal.

All people involved in the work but not meeting the criteria for authorship should be listed in the “Acknowledgements” / “Thanking” (people who helped in the planning of the study, the selection of the material and analysis, the preparation of a manuscript for publication, etc.).

The author cannot send the same text to the different journals. If at the work has been used previously published information, the author should indicate its source and provide a copy of the quoted material at the request of the editor. The author has to prove the origin of the article and indicate the sources of cited information. The author has to declare the potential conflict of interest (for example, the circumstances which, in his opinion, may affect the process of publication). If author detect a significant error in the publication, author should immediately notify the editor. During the preparation of material for publication, the author has to cooperate with the editor and the publisher and, if necessary, change the text accordingly.

The author takes full responsibility for the possible plagiarism of the text, graphics and other materials. Any violation of copyright will be considered according to the criteria proposed by the COPE.

Ethics Review

When reviewing manuscripts the confidentiality of information about authors and reviewers is provided, the violation of which is allowed only in cases of suspected misconduct. The information about a manuscript (data on its receipt, contents, reviewing, reviewers’ comments, and the final decision) is available for the authors and reviewers only. In order to comply with copyright requirements, reviewers and editorial staff should avoid public discussion of the works submitted or borrowing ideas from authors before publishing manuscripts.

Reviewers may not copy manuscripts or make them available to others without permission from the Editorial Board. They shall return or destroy the manuscript after submission for review. The manuscripts rejected by the Editorial Board shall be destroyed. Reviewer comments are brought to the attention of authors and members of the Editorial Board only (for making the final decision regarding the publication of the material) and are not made public without the permission of the reviewer, the authors of the manuscript and the Editor-in-Chief.

Conflicts of interests

A conflict of interests arises when an author (or an institution where he/she works), a reviewer, an editor or any other participant of the preparation of a publication have financial or personal interests (personal relationships, academic rivalry, intellectual controversy, etc.), which may adversely affect their actions. Reviewers provide the Editorial Board with information about possible conflicts of interest that could affect their opinions concerning a manuscript. If there is such a danger, they shall refrain from reviewing it. Reviewers may not use the results of the works in question before revealing their own personal interests. Any participant involved in the publication process shall disclose information concerning relationships that could be considered a potential conflict of interest. The editors shall publish such information if they believe that it may affect assessment of the manuscript.