ISSN 2409-5834

Curriculum Implementation Of The Indonesian National Qualification Framework (Kkni) In Increasing The Quality Of Graduates Of Private Islamic Religious Education (Ptkis) Case Study at IAIS Ummul Quro and IAIS Sahid Bogor

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Ernawati Hanafiah Iim Wasliman Supyan Sauri


This study discusses the implementation of the IQF curriculum in improving the quality of PTKIS graduates, the research background is the missing link between graduates of Islamic tertiary institutions and the world of work. There is a discrepancy between the types of work and graduates who meet the required qualifications as well as curriculum problems where there is an inability of PTKIS to implement and apply the IQF curriculum. The purpose of this study was to obtain an overview and analyze the implementation of the IQF curriculum in improving the quality of PTKIS graduates as well as to obtain an overview, explore, study and analyze the planning, implementation, evaluation, control, development, problems, solutions and impacts of implementing the IQF curriculum in improving the quality of PTKIS graduates. .

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