ISSN 2409-5834

Emotional Regulation Profile of Children Aged 5-6 Transition Early Childhood Primary School In Bandung Indonesia

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Susan Maulani Rachma Dafini Tien Subekti Siti Sofiah Lina Maulina


Emotion regulation has a very important role in the readiness to enter Primary School, social emotional competence and academic success, the purpose of this study was to describe the emotional regulation of children aged 5-6 years in the city of Bandung Indonesia. This study uses a quantitative approach to the type of study ex post facto, where data were collected through survey methods, this study used questionnaires to kindergarten class teachers Class B (age 5-6 years) a number of 75 teachers randomly selected in the city of Bandung. From the results of the questionnaire on teachers collected 180 regulatory data for children aged 5-6 years.The results showed that most children have good emotional regulation ability but there are still a small number of children who need to be stimulated to have good emotional regulation. Teachers and parents need to provide simulations that are appropriate for children 5-6 years of age.

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