ISSN 2409-5834

Management of Strengthening Character Education in Improving the Noble Character of Elementary School Students (Descriptive Study at SDN 1 Pacet Cianjur and SDN Cipanas Sukabumi)

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Asep Suryaatmaja , Iim Wasliman, Hanafiah , Nandang Koswara


This study aims to obtain information on the application of Character Education Strengthening (PPK) management at an early age in elementary schools (SD) in terms of: (1) Planning, (2) Organizing, (3) Implementation, (4) Evaluation, (5) Problems, (6) Solutions, (7) The impact of KDP management in improving the noble character of elementary school students. Character education has a strategic role in the personal formation of students. Thus, KDP must be done as early as possible so that children are able to instill good character and can carry it into adulthood so that a noble moral person is formed based on theological, physical, ethical, aesthetic, logical, and teleological values.

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