ISSN 2409-5834

Review Of Functional Constipation in Pediatric Age Group: A Retrospective Study

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Habeeb Ali Yaseen,Yazen Nazhan Hameed,Mikdad I. Ab


BACKGROUND: Constipation is one of the common disorders of childhood across the world. It is an issue for both the patient and family. Functional constipation easily diagnosed clinically and early intervention by family education, dietary habits manipulation, toilet training and laxative medication may induce complete resolution. OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study is to review and analyze the etiological factors, age, gender, demographic and socioeconomic status and also to review the treatment of functional constipation to assist the medical care providers in the management of constipation in the pediatric age patients in our country due to lack of literature and misunderstanding of the pathophysiology of functional constipation.

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