ISSN 2409-5834

A Comparative Study of Edward Albee and Oneil’s Plays in Perspective of Karma

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Jihad Jaafar Waham ,Mohanad Naeem Hulaib ,Emad Mohammad Abbar


As far as the works of O’Neil is concerned his conception of Karma and god was bit different and also presented in different forms as compared to other play writers. His speculation of God and the universe was rational in nature and romantic in orientation, his most of the plays were based on speculation rather than realities (situation were real) keeping in mind that the action of the cosmos or god cannot be depicted in advance, they come in random manner. In case of Albee, situations were the main characters i.e. difference in good and evil, difference in ethical and non-ethical, good and bad deeds, awakening of characters in terms of life events and also the notation of human soul was in the core of presentation. This present study will evaluate this system of belief and thought process of the two play writers and try to state the social beliefs and acceptance of god by the people in the time period when these two play writers had prevailed. Orientation of the study is exploratory i.e. based on secondary data evaluation is done on the basis of common components in the work of both play writers.

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