ISSN 2409-5834

Internal Quality Assurance System Management in Improving the Performance of Private Higher Education Institutions in Bandung City (Case Study at Islamic University of Bandung and Pasundan University)

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Agus Nana Supena Hanafiah Supyan Sauri Rita Sulastini


This study aims to conduct a comprehensive analysis of the implementation and effectiveness of the internal quality assurance system applied in private higher education institutions located in Bandung City. This research covers the stages of standard setting, policy implementation, process evaluation, quality control, and efforts to improve the standards of higher education established by the Directorate General of Higher Education (Dikti) as the education regulator in Indonesia. By conducting this research, it is expected to gain a deep understanding of the role and positive impact generated by the internal quality assurance system in improving the quality and performance of private higher education institutions in Bandung City.

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