ISSN 2409-5834

Legal Protection for Customers Using Helmets Not Approved to The Indonesian National Standard

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Leni Anggraeni Moch Rizaldy F Budi Mulyanto Adzkia Hergi Pratama Muhammad Habibie


Consumer protection aims to balance the position of consumers and business actors as interrelated and interdependent parties. Helmets are one of the head covering products made of impact resistant materials, which guarantee products that have been tested by the National Standardisation Agency (BSN), but in reality there are still many helmets that do not have the Indonesian National Standard (SNI) that are freely circulating. This study aims to examine the concept of implementation that can raise legal awareness for users of helmets that do not have SNI, and know the responsibility of business actors who sell helmets that do not have SNI to consumers. This research is conducted with descriptive analysis method, which is to provide the data studied about the state of the object under study. Based on the results of the research, it can be concluded that the implementation concept that can lead to legal awareness for helmet users who are not licensed with the Indonesian National Standard (SNI), are four (4) indicators of legal awareness, namely as follows: Legal Knowledge, Legal Understanding, Legal Attitudes and Legal Behaviour Patterns. Helmet Business Actors who do not have the Indonesian National Standard have violated Article 11 of the Regulation of the Minister of Industry Number: 79 / M-IND / PER / 9/2015 on the Enforcement of SNI Helmets for Motorised Two-Wheeled Vehicles and must be held accountable as Article 19 Paragraphs (1) and (2) of Law No. 8 of 1999. The obstacles faced are minimal understanding of the law, weak planning and lack of internal coordination, the efforts made are to provide legal advice and to divide supervision into 2 (two) parts, viz: Periodic Supervision and Special Supervision.

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