ISSN 2409-5834


Instructions For Authors

Article Requirements (for English article submissions)

The paper should not exceed 20 typewritten pages, A4 format, font Times New Roman, font size ? 14, leading ? 1.5. Page margins: left ? 2.5 cm, right, top and bottom ? 2.0 cm. If additional fonts were used, the author should present them to the Editorial Board. At the beginning of an article, the following should appear: the title of the article, initials and names of authors, and the name of institution(s) where it was written.

The paper should include:

Information about the author(s), including first name, surname, middle name (in full), academic rank, title, position, place of work or study (in full), e-mail, contact phone numbers. For authors who do not have an academic rank, additional information is required: surname, first name, middle name of the supervisor, his/her position, place of work and profession (name and classification number of the State Commission for Academic Degrees and Titles);

The abstract should contain a clearly worded explanation of the article’s main idea. References included within the text of the article must be given in square brackets. A list of references must be included at the end of the article. Sources should be listed according to the order of appearance in the text. All authors, sources and publication information (year published, volume number and page number) must be included. For non-periodical publications (monographs, collected volumes, etc.) the place of publication (city) and the name of the publishing house must be indicated. The authors of the article are responsible for the correctness of the data in the bibliography. For references published in foreign periodical issues DOI should be mentioned (see web site

All quotations in the article should correspond to the reference list. Direct quotations should include the page number. Translations must include a full copy of the original text. All abbreviations mentioned for the first time should be spelled out. Materials should be carefully verified. When submitting an article to the Editorial Board, the author (in case of coauthorship ? the person responsible for the publication) should ensure that the text is original (it has never been published before or accepted for publication in other publishing houses). The author should indicate compliance (in case of co-authorship ? the consent of all the authors) with the regulations of the Journal, and provide publishing rights to the Editorial Board, as well as to use the translated and electronic version (publishing on the Journal’s website and others).

Articles missing these requirements will not be considered.