ISSN 2409-5834

    Research Article

  1. I.P. Pavlov: Princeps physiologorum mundi and philosopher
    Georgy H. Shingarov
    2015; Volume -2 , Issue -3 : Page: 342-349

  2. Galen and the Christians of Rome
    Gary Ferngren
    2015; Volume -2 , Issue -3 : Page: 255-261

  3. On the history of surgical treatment of peptic ulcer disease
    Pavel M. Bogopolsky , Nikolay N. Krylov, Dmitry A. Balalykin**, Oleg V. Babkin, Denis O. Babkin
    2015; Volume -2 , Issue -3 : Page: 262-276

  4. The history of the formation of Soviet cardiology as an independent scientifi c discipline and medical speciality, and the role of cardiac surgery in this process
    Vladimir I. Borodulin , Sergey P. Glyantsev, Aleksey V. Topolyanskiy
    2015; Volume -2 , Issue -3 : Page: 277-284

  5. Epidemiological component of F.F. Erisman scientifi c-practical activity
    Nikolay I. Briko, Tatyana V. Sokоlova, Vitalina V. Klushkina
    2015; Volume -2 , Issue -3 : Page: 285-291

  6. Galen and neurosurgical procedures
    Jeremy Ganz
    2015; Volume -2 , Issue -3 : Page: 292-296

  7. New approach to madness: the development of the outpatient psychiatry in Soviet Russia in the 1920s and in the early 1930s
    Gregory Dufaud
    2015; Volume -2 , Issue -3 : Page: 297-309

  8. Maxim Petrovich Konchalovsky. On the 140th anniversary of his birth
    Arkady L. Vertkin, Konstantin A. Pashkov, Alexey V. Topolyanskiy
    2015; Volume -2 , Issue -3 : Page: 310-318

  9. Life and socio-political views of F.F. Yanitsky (1852–1937)
    Olga A. Trefi lova, Ivan A. Rozanov
    2015; Volume -2 , Issue -3 : Page: 319-332

  10. Ethics and factors of humanization of modern neurosurgery
    Leonid B. Likhterman, Boleslav L. Lichterman
    2015; Volume -2 , Issue -3 : Page: 333-341

  11. Case history in the traditions of medical education
    Elena E. Berger
    2015; Volume -2 , Issue -3 : Page: 350-356

  12. M. P. Konchalovsky (1875–1942): pages of the biography on materials of personal archive in the Museum of the History of Medicine at I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University
    Olga B. Bokareva
    2015; Volume -2 , Issue -3 : Page: 357-373

  13. N.I. Pirogov̓s unpublished letters: the fi rst and second letter to A.L. Obermiller (1877)
    Mikhail N. Kozovenko, Svetlana I. Trikhina
    2015; Volume -2 , Issue -3 : Page: 374-381

  14. Medicine in Iran: profession, practice, and politics, 1800–1925. Review
    Boleslav L. Lichterman
    2015; Volume -2 , Issue -3 : Page: 382-386

  15. The lost page of the history of the USSR cardiology: Moscow professors Ya.G. Etinger (1887–1951) and V.E. Nezlin (1894–1975)
    Vladimir I. Borodulin , Sergey P. Glyantsev Aleksey ,V. Topolyanskiy
    2015; Volume -2 , Issue -3 : Page: 400-408