ISSN 2409-5834

    Research Article

  1. Herophilus and vivisection: a re-appraisal
    J. Ganz
    2014; Volume -1 , Issue -4 : Page: 1-7

  2. Philippe Ricord – prominent venereologist of the XIX century
    K.A. Pashkov, M.S. Betekhtin
    2014; Volume -1 , Issue -4 : Page: 1-5

  3. Development of national system of pharmaceutical education in 1920–1930: Moscow medico-pharmaceutical combine
    M.S. Sergeeva
    2014; Volume -1 , Issue -4 : Page: 1-10

  4. Zemstvo district medicine and charity in Russia
    L.E. Gorelova , T.I. Surovtseva
    2014; Volume -1 , Issue -4 : Page: 1-6

  5. The formation of factory legislation on health protection in Europe and Russia in the 19th to early 20th centuries
    I.V. Karpenko
    2014; Volume -1 , Issue -4 : Page: 1-5

  6. Stages of formation and further development of domestic cardiology. Part 1
    V.I. Borodulin , S.P. Glyantsev, A.V. Topolianskiy
    2014; Volume -1 , Issue -4 : Page: 1-7

  7. On the Biography of Professor and Psychiatrist Anatoly Kotsovsky (1864−1937)
    K.K. Vasylyev , Yu.K. Vasylyev
    2014; Volume -1 , Issue -4 : Page: 1-6

  8. Professor of surgery at the University of Moscow I.P. Aleksinsky: his life and work in Russia and in emigration
    O.A. Trefi lova, I.A. Rozanov
    2014; Volume -1 , Issue -4 : Page: 1-18

  9. Some evidence of the worship of Apollo Physician (Ietroos) in ancient Greece and the Black Sea Coast
    E.S. Naumova
    2014; Volume -1 , Issue -4 : Page: 1-7

  10. Continuity in the views of Hippocrates and Galen on the nature of the human body
    D.A. Balalykin
    2014; Volume -1 , Issue -4 : Page: 1-5