M. P. Konchalovsky (1875–1942): pages of the biography on materials of personal archive in the Museum of the History of Medicine t I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University


  • Olga B. Bokareva I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University, the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation 8 Trubetskaya St., building 2, Moscow 119991, Russia Author


M.P. Konchalovsky, personal fund, the Museum of History of Medicine at the I.M. Sechenov First MSMU,faculty therapeutic clinic, the physiological direction


This article utilizes material from M.P. Konchalovsky’s personal archive, which was donated in 1991 by his grandson to the Museum of the History of Medicine at I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University. The archive comprises 330 items, including photographs, letters, and reprints of Konchalovsky's articles, many of which are signed by him. Using these sources, the article outlines the key milestones in Konchalovsky’s life and career.

The first period (1875–1917) marks the formative stage of Konchalovsky's development as a therapist, during which he trained and worked under the guidance of Professor V.D. Shervinsky. The second period (1918–1929) corresponds to his tenure as chairman of the Department of Hospital Therapy at the Faculty of Medicine of the 2nd Moscow Medical University (formerly the Moscow Higher Courses for Women). During this time, Konchalovsky and his students began significant research on major issues in domestic medicine. The third period (1929–1942) was crucial for the development of Konchalovsky's main theoretical views and practical contributions. This stage is associated with the establishment of the clinical therapeutic school, which continued the tradition of the Shervinsky-Golubinin school. Konchalovsky led the department of faculty therapy and served as Director of the Faculty Therapeutic Clinic at the 1st Moscow State University, which later became the 1st Moscow Medical Institute and eventually the 1st Moscow Order of Lenin Medical Institute in 1940. The article also includes material from the memorial archives of Konchalovsky’s colleagues.


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How to Cite

B. Bokareva, O. (2015). M. P. Konchalovsky (1875–1942): pages of the biography on materials of personal archive in the Museum of the History of Medicine t I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University. History of Medicine, 2(3). https://historymedjournal.com/HOM/index.php/medicine/article/view/99