Copyright & Licensing

History of Medicine is dedicated to making sure our published works are freely available and correctly credited. This section explains our copyright and licensing rules for authors, readers, editors, abstracting databases, and libraries.

For Authors:

Copyright Ownership
As an author, you keep full copyright of your work, meaning you control your intellectual property.

Publishing Rights
By submitting your manuscript, you give us the right to be the first to publish it, effective once your manuscript is accepted.

Creative Commons License
All articles are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0). This lets others share and adapt your work for any purpose, including commercial uses, as long as they credit you and the source properly.

Attribution Requirements
Proper credit must include your name, the article title, a link to the CC BY 4.0 license, and mention any changes made to the original work. The credit should not suggest endorsement by you or History of Medicine.

Non-Exclusive Distribution
You can enter into other agreements for distributing the published version of your work (e.g., in institutional repositories or books) as long as you acknowledge the initial publication in History of Medicine.

Responsibility for Permissions
You must get permission to use any third-party material in your manuscript and provide proof of permission when you submit.

For Readers:

Access and Use
All articles are freely accessible to the public right away. You can share and adapt the articles under the CC BY 4.0 license, provided you credit the original authors and source.

Attribution Requirements
When using or sharing content, give proper credit, include a link to the license, and note any changes made. Do not imply endorsement by the authors or History of Medicine without permission.

For Editors:

Editorial Independence
Editors uphold high standards of editorial independence and integrity, making decisions based solely on manuscript quality and relevance, free from external or commercial pressures.

Managing Copyright and Licensing
Editors ensure all published content follows the journal’s copyright and licensing policies and that authors have permission for third-party materials.

Attribution and Acknowledgment
Editors are responsible for ensuring proper attribution to authors and contributors, and for acknowledging funding sources, conflicts of interest, and other disclosures.

For Abstracting Databases:

Metadata and Indexing
We provide detailed metadata for all articles to aid accurate indexing in databases, including author names, titles, abstracts, and keywords.

Access and Attribution
Databases should index articles under the CC BY 4.0 license and give proper credit to the authors and the journal when showing abstracts or excerpts.

Licensing Information
Databases should clearly display that articles are licensed under the CC BY 4.0 license.

For Libraries and Repositories:

Institutional Repositories
Libraries and repositories can include our articles in their collections and share or adapt them under the CC BY 4.0 license, with proper attribution.

Digital Preservation
We participate in digital preservation initiatives like LOCKSS and CLOCKSS to ensure long-term availability of our content.

Cataloging and Metadata
We provide detailed metadata for cataloging and discoverability within library systems, including author names, article titles, publication dates, abstracts, and keywords.

Contact Information
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