Journal History

Foundation and Vision

History of Medicine was established in 2024 with a clear purpose: to connect health research with health practices. Recognizing the need for a specialized platform to tackle the complex challenges in health, a group of forward-thinking scholars and practitioners came together to create a journal that not only publishes top-quality research but also encourages meaningful discussions and collaboration among health professionals worldwide.

Commitment to Open Access

Since its beginning, History of Medicine has been dedicated to open access, making sure that all research is freely available to everyone, everywhere. This commitment is driven by the belief that knowledge should be accessible to all, promoting wider sharing and application of research findings. By using the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0), we enable researchers to share their work broadly and maximize its impact.

Technological Advancements

History of Medicine has embraced digital innovations to continually improve its online platform and enhance user experience. The addition of advanced search features, extensive archives, and user-friendly submission systems has simplified access and submission processes for authors, reviewers, and readers. Our involvement in LOCKSS and CLOCKSS ensures the long-term preservation and accessibility of our content.

Future Directions

Looking to the future, History of Medicine remains focused on advancing health by sharing high-quality research. We are committed to ongoing innovation and adapting to the changing needs of the health community, with plans to launch new initiatives, expand our digital presence, and strengthen our global network of contributors and readers. Our dedication to excellence, accessibility, and ethical publishing will continue to guide us on this journey.