Life and socio-political views of F.F. Yanitsky (1852–1937)


  • Olga A. Trefilova I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University, the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation 8 Trubetskaya St., building 2, Moscow 119991, Russia Author
  • Ivan A. Rozanov I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University, the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation 8 Trubetskaya St., building 2, Moscow 119991, Russia Author


F.F. Yanitsky, zemstvo medicine, military field surgery, the First World War


The article focuses on F.F. Yanitsky, a notable figure in the Russian intelligentsia, who served as a zemstvo (district) physician, a privy councilor, a doctor of medicine, and the chief of the army medical unit for the Southwestern Front. He was also a military field surgeon, participating in the Russo-Turkish War (1877‒1878), the Russo-Japanese War (1904‒1905), and the First World War. Additionally, Yanitsky was an epidemiologist and the author of several scientific works in medicine.

Yanitsky’s approach to disease, patient care, and treatments was aligned with the ideas of N.I. Pirogov, particularly regarding the importance of prevention and sanitation, as well as the views of other prominent doctors of his time. He continually sought to enhance his knowledge and skills, and in 1892, he was seconded to the Imperial Military Medical Academy for two years to complete his doctoral thesis. By 1894, he had earned recognition as a doctor of medicine and was conferred the title of military surgeon.

As an epidemiologist, Yanitsky played a crucial role in expeditions to combat various epidemics, including diphtheria, cholera, plague, typhoid, gastrointestinal diseases, and typhus. His outstanding military service and contributions to the fight against infectious diseases earned him numerous orders, medals, and distinctions.

The article also explores the influence of the political context on Yanitsky's views, noting that his life and career were deeply intertwined with the history of his country. It delves into his family and cultural ties, social views, and attitudes toward his career and the political events during the transitional period between two eras. The article draws on documents from the archive of the Solzhenitsyn House for the Russian Diaspora.


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How to Cite

A. Trefilova, O., & A. Rozanov, I. (2015). Life and socio-political views of F.F. Yanitsky (1852–1937). History of Medicine, 2(3).