“Future Pirogov”: about the student years f the scholar M.I. Perelman in Yaroslavl


  • N.T. Eregina Yaroslavl State Medical Academy Author


M.I. Perelman, the Great Patriotic War, Yaroslavl State Medical Academy, students, medical universities, surgery


This article is dedicated to the student years of the scholar M.I. Perelman. Based on the archival materials we analyze the biographical facts of the future renowned scientist and also observe the specificities of the educational process in medical universities during the years of the Great Patriotic War.


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How to Cite

Eregina, N. (2014). “Future Pirogov”: about the student years f the scholar M.I. Perelman in Yaroslavl. History of Medicine Ru, 1(1). https://historymedjournal.com/HOM/index.php/medicine/article/view/9