Dominance of Communication Programs and the development of Social Capital in The family


  • Hayawi Haider Abdullah Department of Anthropology and Sociology Al-Mustansiriya University - College of Arts/Iraq Author
  • Hussein Zekra Jamil Mohamed Department of Anthropology and Sociology Al-Mustansiriya University - College of Arts/Iraq Author


Dominance, Communication Programs Social Capital, Family


 Communication between family members comes through traditional communication (face to face), which achieves the accumulation of social capital in it, and contributes to the increase and development of the resources of its members. Its role in shaping and developing social capital into a great competitor, which is communication programs, because of its enormous power capable of attracting people, especially children and adolescents. In light of the previous proposition, this research paper attempts to shed light on one of the most recent developmental trends at the present time, which is the social capital in the family. To understand the social capital formed by communication programs such as satellite TV programs and social networking programs, and to train them on how to employ this approach in developing the social capital in the family. 


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How to Cite

Haider Abdullah , H., & Zekra Jamil Mohamed , H. (2023). Dominance of Communication Programs and the development of Social Capital in The family. History of Medicine Ru, 9(1).