Zemstvo District Surgeons and Their Role in the Development of Russian Medicine


  • Pavel M. Bogopolsky Academic B.V. Petrovsky Russian Scientific Center of Surgery 2 Abrikosovsky Lane, Moscow 119991, Russia Author


surgery in Russia in the late 19th to early 20th centuries, history of medicine, zemstvo district surgery, contribution to the development of medical science


In Russia, from the late 19th to early 20th centuries, along with university (clinical) surgery, zemstvo district (rural) surgery began to play a major role in the development of medical science. The state reform of medical higher education in the 1840s–1860s was a crucial prerequisite for this development, as it eliminated the acute shortage of Russian scientific and medical staff. This reform ensured a significant expansion of medical research and led to the emergence of a new and original form of national health care in the form of zemstvo district medicine and zemstvo district surgery.

The basic principles of zemstvo district medicine—namely that it be preventative, free, available, and organized with an in-patient precinct system—were fully formed by the beginning of the 20th century. After the October Revolution (1917), these principles were embraced and successfully developed by Soviet medicine, albeit on a centralized state basis. Many zemstvo district surgeons established themselves as outstanding practitioners and talented scientists. A large number of professors and doctors of medicine, who played a significant role in the development of domestic surgery, began their careers as zemstvo district doctors.

Their success in developing new surgical methods for treating various diseases was highly significant, and their presentations at medical congresses and publications in the press were invaluable. Therefore, studying the defining attributes of zemstvo district surgery in Russia and the achievements of zemstvo district surgeons is essential for a proper understanding of the development of domestic medicine and surgery in the 20th century.


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How to Cite

M. Bogopolsky, P. (2015). Zemstvo District Surgeons and Their Role in the Development of Russian Medicine. History of Medicine, 2(2). https://historymedjournal.com/HOM/index.php/medicine/article/view/83