
  • Azim Khan Phd Student, Department of Human Nutrition and Dietetics. The University of Agriculture Peshawar Author
  • Humaira Wasila Humaira Wasila (Assistant Prof.) Department of Human Nutrition and Dietetics. The University of Agriculture Peshawar Author
  • Maria Munir Ahmed khan Maria Munir Contract Lecturer, Department of Human Nutrition and Dietetics. The University of Agriculture Peshawar. Author
  • Amna Iftikhar Amna Iftikhar, Student, Department of Human Nutrition and Dietetics. The University of Agriculture Peshawar Author
  • Maasir Ali Khan Maasir Ali Khan Student, Department of Human Nutrition and Dietetics. The University of Agriculture Peshawar Author


Physical activity, Dietary status assessment, School teachers, Lipid profile


School teachers can play a major role in health promotion and disease prevention, with their positive and negative behaviors significantly affecting the behaviors of students.  To determine the effect of dietary intake and physical activity on nutritional status and lipid profile of schoolteachers.  A total of 100 male and female schoolteachers were enrolled for the study from different government and private schools of district Charsadda. Data regarding socio demographic, anthropometric parameters, physical activity, lipid profile and dietary intake were collected.  The results showed that mean age of male was 38.2±9.2 (years) and that of female school teachers was 40.8±10.2 (years) A total of 31.5% male and 54.3% female were physically active. Exercise on daily basis was observed for only 9.3% of the male and 23.9% of the female teachers. A significant difference (p<0.05) was found in the triglycerides, cholesterol level, LDL level of male and female school teachers while non-significant difference (p>0.05) was found in HDL level A total of 50.0% of males and 43.5% of females consumed milk products up to 3 days in a week however, 16.7% of males and 26.1% of females consumed beverages and juices on daily basis. Majority of the subjects consumed unhealthy food like fast food, beverages while the intake of fruits, milk and meat products on daily basis were very low. The carbohydrate intake of male and female schoolteachers was 225.1±47.1 (g/day) and 240.4±44.7 (g/day) while protein intake was recorded as 49.8±19.9 (g/day) and 44.7±21.9 (g/day) respectively. 


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How to Cite

Khan, A., Wasila, H., Munir Ahmed khan, M., Iftikhar, A., & Ali Khan, M. (2024). EFFECT OF DIETARY INTAKE AND PHYSICAL ACTIVITY ON NUTRITIONAL STATUS AND LIPID PROFILE OF SCHOOL TEACHERS. History of Medicine, 10(2), 741-769. https://historymedjournal.com/HOM/index.php/medicine/article/view/829