Effectiveness of Nutritional Counselling on Dietary Habit and Practices among School Adolescents in a Public School of Rawalpindi. A Quasi Experimental Interventional Study


  • Mehvish Idrees Chaudhary Mehvish Idrees, Department of Public Health AFPGMI, National University of Medical Sciences Pakistan Author
  • Humaira Mahmood Humaira Mahmood, Department of Public Health AFPGMI, National University of Medical Sciences Pakistan. Author
  • Muhammad Farrukh Habib Muhammad Farrukh Habib, Department of Management Sciences, Shifa Tameer E Millat University Islamabad Pakistan Author
  • Muhammad Haseeb Muhammad Haseeb, Shifa International Hospital, Islamabad Author
  • Mehtab Jokhio Mehtab Jokhio, Health Care Administrator Combined Military Hospital Bahawalpur. Author
  • Habiba Altaf Habiba Altaf, National University of Science and Technology Author


Dietary Habits; Dietary Practices; Effectiveness; Nutritional Counseling; Scholl Adolescents.


To determine the effectiveness of nutritional counselling on dietary habit and practices among school adolescents in a public school of Rawalpindi using Diet Quality questionnaire.  This quasi-experimental study was carried out on 109 females among public schools of Rawalpindi. Simple Random sampling was performed. After following inclusion and exclusion criteria, respondents were selected and DQQ questionnaire was distributed and responses calculated. Intervention include A school based, three-month nutrition education program based on HBM construct was delivered, consisting of twice-monthly sessions (30 minutes each), tailored to Pakistan's nutritional strategies to improve diet. Visual aid, lectures, charts and messages from Pakistan Dietary Guidelines were used to increase understanding. Counseling sessions were conducted during school hours, facilitated by health educators or school counselors. Post DQQ questionnaire was evaluated. Data was collected, entered and analyzed in SPSS version 26. Paired T test was applied and p<0.05.  Mean age was 15.06 ±0.64. Interventional outcomes include NutritionalKnowledge and Unhealthy habits showed significant results p<0.001 


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How to Cite

Idrees Chaudhary, M., Mahmood, H., Farrukh Habib, M., Haseeb, M., Jokhio, M., & Altaf, H. (2024). Effectiveness of Nutritional Counselling on Dietary Habit and Practices among School Adolescents in a Public School of Rawalpindi. A Quasi Experimental Interventional Study. History of Medicine, 10(2), 638-645. https://historymedjournal.com/HOM/index.php/medicine/article/view/820