Returning the medical writings of surgeon and Bishop V.F. Voyno-Yasenetsky to scientific use


  • M.N. Kozovenko Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor of the Department of the History f Medicine, National History and Culturology I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University, the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Moscow (Russian Federation) Author


V.F. Voyno-Yasenetsky, «Deutsche Zeitschrift für Chirurgie», Lucas Bischop, priorities in surgery, priorities in anatomy, history of medicine


The life and work of Russian surgeon and Orthodox bishop V.F. Voyno-Yasenetsky (1877‒1961) exemplify the practical unity of science and religion. This extraordinary combination has attracted the attention of contemporary figures, including medical students, junior doctors, and even eminent scientists. Hundreds of articles and dozens of monographs, including some published in foreign journals, have been written about the life of this renowned physician and bishop of the Russian Orthodox Church.

Despite this attention, two of his medical works remain largely unknown, even to domestic and European surgeons. These works were published in the *Deutsche Zeitschrift für Chirurgie* (Leipzig, 1923) under the author name "Lucas Bischof" (German for "Luke Bishop"). Few people today would guess that Lucas Bischof was actually the Russian surgeon Voyno-Yasenetsky, who had been consecrated as a bishop under the name Luke.

These two articles by Voyno-Yasenetsky have now been published for the first time in Russian. Each article contains the results of his scientific discoveries, including the description of a new anatomical structure and two original surgical interventions. He wrote these works during the Tashkent period of his career (1917‒1923).

The return of Voyno-Yasenetsky's works to scientific discourse will contribute to the broader recognition of his lesser-known achievements, which may eventually be named after him—such as a surgery to remove the spleen, which he proposed as an addition to the Halsted operation, and the newly described anatomical structure.


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Lucas Bischof. Über das Unterbinden der Gefässe bei Ex-

tirpation der Milz. Deutsche Zeitschrift für Chirurgie.

Leipzig, 1923. Bd. 183. Dezember. S. 396–399.

Lucas Bischof. Notwendige Erweiterung der Operation

von Mammakarzinom. Deutsche Zeitschrift für Chirur-

gie. Leipzig, 1923. Bd. 183. Dezember. S. 400–405.

Shevchenko Yu. L. Privetstvuet vas Svyatitel’ Luka, vrach

vozlyublennyy (St. Luke, the beloved physician welcomes

you). SPb.: Nauka (Science), 2007. P. 299–304 [in Rus-








How to Cite

Kozovenko, M. (2015). Returning the medical writings of surgeon and Bishop V.F. Voyno-Yasenetsky to scientific use. History of Medicine, 2(1).