
  • Umayia Manzoor BUCH International Hospital Multan, Pakistan Author
  • Kehkashan Zainab Nishtar Medical University and Hospital Multan, Pakistan Author
  • Irum Javed SFMKB Institute of Cardiology DG Khan, Pakistan Author
  • Sobia Sharif SFMKB Institute of Cardiology DG Khan, Pakistan Author
  • Sonia Khalid SFMKB Institute of Cardiology DG Khan, Pakistan Author
  • Azra Shaheen SFMKB Institute of Cardiology DG Khan, Pakistan Author
  • Sami Ali Babekir Ali Assistant Professor of Exercise Physiology and Nutrition, Department of Rehabilitation Science, Al-Neelain University. Sudan Author
  • Muhammad Sajid Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Iran/ Tehran City Author
  • Dr Aadil Omer Associate Professor, Margalla Institute of Health Sciences, Rawalpindi, Pakistan Author
  • Najeeb Haider Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Iran/ Tehran City Author


Assessment of depression, contributing factors, Impacts on students


 University students face dissimilar kind of stressor in their academic lives and these stressors would be much greater if they were in the middle of someone else’s stressful life knowledge.  The Purpose of this study was “To examine the prevalence level of depression, and its contributing factors among undergraduate nursing students. A quantitative descriptive cross-sectional study design used to Assessment of Depression and Its Contributing Factors among Undergraduate Nursing Students. Study conducted in the Lahore School of Nursing, The University of Lahore.4 Months duration of study Students of Lahore school of Nursing. Data collected from 149students of Lahore School of Nursing. A non-probability convenient sampling technique was utilized to select the proposed sample of undergraduate nursing students.


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How to Cite

Manzoor, U., Zainab, K., Javed, I., Sharif, S., Khalid, S., Shaheen, A., Ali Babekir Ali, S., Sajid, M., Omer, A., & Haider, N. (2024). ASSESMENT OF DEPRESSION AND ITS CONTRIBUTING FACTORS AMONG UNDERGRADUATE NURSING STUDENTS. History of Medicine, 10(2), 307-317.