Navigating Antecedents and Consequences of Patient-Doctor Relationship in Chronic Care Patients


  • Farwa Wazir Department of Psychology, Lahore Garrison University, Lahore, Pakistan Author
  • Saira Maqsood Department of Psychology, Lahore Garrison University, Lahore, Pakistan Author
  • Dr Muhammad Junaid Army Medical College, Rawalpindi. Author
  • Fatima Salman Saddam Department of Psychology, Lahore Garrison University, Lahore, Pakistan Author
  • Dr Hassan Ilyas Army Medical College, Rawalpindi Author
  • Dr Farukh Maqsood Saleem Memorial Trust Hospital Author


ego Resilience, social support, antecedents, medication adherence, purposive.


 The patient-doctor relationship plays a pivotal role in chronic illness management, influencing how patients adhere to treatment regimens. By identifying and understanding the antecedent’s i.e. ego resilience and social support, this study aim is to investigate how these factors can enhance the patient-doctor relationship and which further improve the medication adherence of follow up patients. This study provides a holistic view by linking antecedents (ego resilience and social support) to consequences (medication adherence) through the patient-doctor relationship, offering a clear pathway for improving patient outcomes. To carry out this research correlational research design was employed and data were collected from 245 followup patients having chronic illnesses by using purposive sampling method. Standardized assessment measures were used on 5 point Likert scale to get responses from participants along with demographic Performa. The study's findings indicated that the interaction between the patient-doctor relationship and social support was notably significant. Additionally, social support emerged as a crucial moderator in the relationships between the patient-doctor dynamic, ego resilience, and medication adherence. The patient-doctor relationship was a strong predictor of ego resilience, which in turn, significantly predicted medication adherence. This suggests that ego resilience mediates the link between the patient-doctor relationship and medication adherence. Moreover, social support moderates this mediation path, affecting the influence of the patient-doctor relationship on ego resilience and subsequently on medication adherence. This study will be helpful to Emphasizes the need for healthcare professionals to foster and maintain strong relationships with patients, particularly by supporting ego resilience and encouraging social support networks. This can lead to enhanced treatment adherence.  


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How to Cite

Wazir, F., Maqsood, S., Junaid, M., Salman Saddam, F., Ilyas, H., & Maqsood, F. (2024). Navigating Antecedents and Consequences of Patient-Doctor Relationship in Chronic Care Patients. History of Medicine Ru, 10(2), 264-282.