
  • Dr. Wali Muhammad Nizamani1 Lecture, Department of Community Medicine, LUMHS, Pakistan, Author
  • Dr. Gulzar Usman Associate Professor, Department of Community Medicine LUMHS, Pakistan Author
  • Prof. Muhammad Ilyas Siddiqui Professor of Community Medicine LUMHS, Pakistan Author
  • Dr. Muhammad Waqar Post-Graduation Pediatrics, Lady Reading Hospital Peshawar, Pakistan, Author
  • Muhammad Rahim Bhurgri Assistant Professor, Anatomy Department, Muhammad Medical College MPS, Pakistan, Author


Diabetes self-care, type 2 diabetes mellitus, Pakistani adults, barriers, family support, healthcare providers.


 This qualitative research aimed to comprehensively explore the perceptions, behaviors and barriers of self-care for type 2 diabetes mellitus in urban Pakistani adult populace. We also gathered data from 20 participants recruited through outpatient departments of some hospitals in Karachi and stopped collecting information at saturation. The themes were inductively derived through an independent thematic analysis conducted by the researcher. Two main factors emerged from the findings reflecting difficulties experienced by patients with self-care for diabetes, quite intertwined and mostly related to ones own situation and comprehension toward their disease. Conclusions: The study emphasized the importance of family support and education by health care providers, which have a positive impact on self-care practices among people with diabetes in Pakistan. This study gives information on the views and issues associated with self-care practices in this population, thereby guiding healthcare providers as well as policy makers to better understand its role towards improved diabetes care in urban areas of Pakistan. 


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How to Cite

Muhammad Nizamani, W., Usman, G., Ilyas Siddiqui, M., Waqar, M., & Rahim Bhurgri, M. (2024). LIVING WITH TYPE 2 DIABETES IN PAKISTAN: A QUALITATIVE EXPLORATION OF PATIENTS’ VIEWS ON SELF-CARE. History of Medicine, 10(2), 205-220.