
  • Prof. Muhammad Ilyas Siddiqui Professor of Community Medicine LUMHS, Jamshoro, Author
  • Dr. Gulzar Usman Associate Professor, Department of Community Medicine LUMHS, Jamshoro, Pakistan Author
  • Dr. Wali Muhammad Nizamani Lecture, Department of Community Medicine, LUMHS, Jamshoro, Author
  • Muhammad Rahim Bhurgri Assistant Professor, Anatomy Department, Muhammad Medical College MPS, Author


Medical officers, emergency departments, Sindh Province


 The aim of the study was to assess knowledge regarding medical emergencies among medical officers in emergency departments working in Sindh Province, Pakistan. This was a descriptive exploratory study designed to have an in-depth reflection of the level awareness among emergency physicians. We used non-probability convenient sampling techniques to identify the respondents and in total recruited 120 medical officers. The data were obtained using a self-administered questionnaire that contained closed-ended questions. The questionnaire was adopted to evaluate the proficiency of Medical officers in emergency situations including management and line-oftreatment. The data have been analyzed by Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) Software. Overall knowledge of the medical officers working in emergency departments of Sindh province was fairly good as revealed from findings. The results of this study, on one hand indicates that knowledge about emergency medical care among the medical officers in Sindh province is good but continuous educational courses and training has to be organized for further improvement and best practices in management of medical emergencies. 


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How to Cite

Ilyas Siddiqui, M., Usman, G., Muhammad Nizamani, W., & Rahim Bhurgri, M. (2024). EVALUATING THE KNOWLEDGE OF MEDICAL OFFICERS IN EMERGENCY DEPARTMENTS: A STUDY IN SINDH PROVINCE ON HANDLING MEDICAL EMERGENCIES. History of Medicine Ru, 10(2), 190-204. https://historymedjournal.com/HOM/index.php/medicine/article/view/769