The social status of physicians in Ancient Egypt
Ancient Egypt, physicians, status, hierarchy, medical specialties, “The House of Life”Abstract
The culture of Ancient Egypt played a crucial role in shaping classical Greek and Roman culture and science, including medicine, as well as in the historical evolution of ancient society. There were specific characteristics in the position of the art of healing and the role of the healer, i.e., the physician, in Ancient Egyptian society. The "event of death" in Ancient Egypt did not evoke asceticism or philosophical pessimism; instead, it inspired a strong and overwhelming "joie de vivre," as the Egyptians were people of action, struggling against death. This paradox influenced every sphere of human activity in Ancient Egyptian society, including medicine.
This article attempts to analyze the place and status of the physician in Ancient Egyptian society, as well as the "moral code of doctors," which was deeply rooted in the pivotal Egyptian myth of Osiris. This myth considers both the stability of the universe and the favorable answer at the Judgment of Osiris given to the individual (including a physician) as the result of Horus' victory over Seth, symbolizing the triumph of truth over the chaos of evil.
The hierarchical position of the "swnw" physician within the highly sophisticated bureaucratic system of Ancient Egypt is also discussed. The article attempts to elucidate the ambiguous and often contradictory titles of the hierarchical positions of "swnw" and their specialties, both at the pharaoh's court and in Egyptian nomes. It provides portrayals of several physicians from the historical perspective of all periods of Ancient Egyptian history, including both members of the elite and commoners. The range of opinions concerning "The House of Life" and its role in ancient Egyptian medical education is also thoroughly discussed.
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