Phytochemical screening of oil of Lactuca sativa seeds and determination of important bioactive and physicochemical aspects.


  • Dr.Ijaz Ali Assistant Professor Department of Pharmacognosy, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences Government College University Faisalabad, Pakistan Author
  • Dr. Sohaib Iqbal Lecturer, Department of Pharmacy, Lyallpur Institute of Advanced Studies (LIAS), College of Pharmacy Faisalabad , Pakistan. Author
  • Dr. Muhammad Bilal Lecturer, Department of Pharmacy, Lyallpur Institute of Advance Sciences Faisalabad, Pakistan. Author
  • Dr. Muhammad Qazaf Lecturer, Department of Pharmacy, Lyallpur Institute of Advance Sciences Faisalabad, Pakistan. Author
  • Dr.Muhammad Muddassar Maqsood Lecturer, Department of Pharmacy, Lyallpur Institute of Advanced Studies Faisalabad, Pakistan. Author
  • Dr. Umbreen Farrukh Assistant Professor, Department of Pharmacognosy, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Dow College of Pharmacy, Dow University of Health Sciences, Karachi, Pakistan. Author
  • Nayab Zehra Department of Botany, Government College Women University Faisalabad, Pakistan. Author
  • Mahrukh Department of Botany, Government College Women University Faisalabad, Pakistan. Author
  • Sajid Ahmad Department of Pharmacy, Government College University Faisalabad Pakistan. Author
  • Muhammad Faizan Tariq M Phil Scholar, Department of Pharmacy Government College University Faisalabad Pakistan Author
  • Dr. Rabbia Iqbal Department of Pharmacy, The University of Faisalabad (TUF), Faisalabad Pakistan Author


Lactuca sativa, gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS), antioxidant activity.


 The isolation and chemical analysis of Lactuca sativa L (L. sativa) seeds oil and its free radical scavenging activity was carried out. Soxhlet extraction method was used to extract the oil. The free radical scavenging activity (DPPH) method was used to identify the antioxidant activity of the extract. Almost 33 different chemical compounds were identified from spectra by GC-MS including α-isoamylene, (z) 2-Pentene, (E) 2- pentene, f-isoamylene, Isoamyl methyl ketone, Methyl 2-methyl butyl ketone, 1-methyl-1- ethylcyclopentene, n-amyl methyl ketone, 5-Octandione, Isopropyl pentyl ketone, 2-amyl furan, Pentanoic acid, Hexanoic acid, 1-ethyl-1-methyl-cyclopentane, (E)-2-Octenal, Some Hexanoic acid ester, Octyl ester acid, Undecane, Trans-3-Nonen-2-one, Dodecane, Octyl alcohol ester, ethyl hexyl ester, Tri-decanol, C11H20O2, 2,4, Decadienal, C10H18O, 3-Decanone, 4-undecanone, 1-Tetradecanol, Tetradecane, Hexadecane, Octadecane, Nonadecane, Palmitic Acid. Chemical components of the essential oils from locally grown lettuce have been identified in the following class or group of chemical compounds: monoterpene, sesquiterpene volatile organic compounds, flavonol glycosides, and their oxygenated hydrocarbon compounds. Thus, essential oils and raw leaves are effective candidates for use as antifungal or antimicrobial agents in the formulation of new drugs for the treatment of infectious diseases. 


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How to Cite

Ali, I., Iqbal, S., BILALOV, M., Qazaf, M., Muddassar Maqsood, M., Farrukh, U., Zehra, N., Mahrukh, Ahmad, S., Faizan Tariq, M., & Iqbal, R. (2024). Phytochemical screening of oil of Lactuca sativa seeds and determination of important bioactive and physicochemical aspects. History of Medicine, 10(1).