The effect of resistance training with and against the locomotor track on some biomechanical variables of the 100-meter freestyle for young men


  • AlFadly Yousif Sareeh Abdul-Kareem College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences - University of Baghdad/Iraq Author
  • Mohsen Ahmed Thamer College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences - University of Baghdad/Iraq Author


Resistance to the direction of movement, resistance against the direction of movement, relatively long time, freestyle.


 The training programs for swimmers 100 m freestyle must be directed to enhance the physical abilities of this competition, especially muscle strength of various kinds according to the nature of external resistance faced by the swimmer in the water and for a relatively long time, so the researchers resorted to preparing exercises with resistances and against the direction of movement of the swimmer in order to mobilize and activate additional motor units to create a state of adaptation and Alastharain these units to produce Fast kinetic action to overcome external resistances represented by the aquatic environment, improve biomechanical variables and achievement. The research was applied to a sample of the youth swimming team amounting to (6) swimmers, and the researchers conducted a swimming test for a distance of 100 meters (pre-test) and the biomechanical variables were measured during the performance stages with the smart data sensor Triton Wear), and the exercises were applied to shine resistance with and against the direction of movement of the swimmer and for distances And limited times, taking into account the components of the training load to make a development in the internal strength of the research sample and improve the mechanical conditions, and for a period of (6) weeks by (3) training units per week and after completion the post-test was conducted, and the researchers concluded, the emergence of an improvement in all biomechanical variables (swimmer's speed, length and frequency of blows, force exerted at start and rotation time) and achievement. 


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Appendix No. (1) Method of placing rubber ropes

with and against the direction of movement







How to Cite

Yousif Sareeh Abdul-Kareem, A., & Ahmed Thamer , M. (2023). The effect of resistance training with and against the locomotor track on some biomechanical variables of the 100-meter freestyle for young men. History of Medicine Ru, 9(1).