Women's Postpartum Intrauterine Contraceptive Device Insertion Satisfaction and Effectiveness


  • Dr Bushra Gul Specialist Gynecologist Saudi German Hospital Dubai Author
  • Dr Fauzia Habib Consultant Gynecologist Memon Medical Institute Hospital Safoorah Karachi. Author


postpartum period, intrauterine contraceptive device, complications, satisfaction


Background: Preventing unplanned pregnancies within the first year following childbirth is known as postpartum family planning. These pregnancies have significant health risks for both mothers and their offspring. As a secure and reliable form of temporary contraception, the World Health Organization (WHO) advises the prompt implantation of an intrauterine contraceptive device (IUCD) following childbirth. It is imperative to begin family planning at delivery, especially in low-resource settings where women frequently neglect to return for follow-up treatment. Objective: To evaluate women’s postpartum intrauterine contraceptive device insertion satisfaction and effectiveness. Study design: A cross-sectional study. 


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How to Cite

Gul, B., & Habib, F. (2024). Women’s Postpartum Intrauterine Contraceptive Device Insertion Satisfaction and Effectiveness. History of Medicine, 10(1). https://historymedjournal.com/HOM/index.php/medicine/article/view/705