A Qualitative Approach to Study Differences in Well-Being and Experiences of Male & Female Caregivers Living with Mentally Disturbed Patients
psychological disorder, caregiver, gender disparities, well-being (WB).Abstract
The present study was conducted to investigate the experiences and well-being (WB) of male and female caregivers of psychological disorder patients. The purpose of this study was to examine what kind of experiences both male and female caregivers faced and how these experiences influenced on their well-being (WB). For the present study, qualitative approach was used. For this, participant (N=10) were selected through purposive sampling. The researcher conducted semi-structured interview to gather in depth information from participants. After data collection, all interviews were transcribed and analyzed by using Interpretative phenomenological Analysis (IPA). The researcher extracted seven major themes from interviews, health practices, accountabilities and duties, turning to religion, social stigma, life situations, and gender disparities. Results indicate that having any of the family member with a psychological disorder can be very distressing. Furthermore it was reported that both male and female caretakers writhed with misery, burden, symptomatology of patients, along with adverse influence on their family as a unit. On the other hand, results indicated that life and well-being (WB) of the females are more affected if any of the member is suffering from any sort of the mental disorder (MD), they become victims of the violence and face problems in their marriages on the other side male face problem in moving society and having less job facilities.
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