Comparison of Direct Pressure versus Electrocauterization of Liver Bed for Bleeding Control in Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy


  • Abdul Rehman Abdul Rehman, Assistant Professor Anatomy, Bhitai Dental and Medical College Mirpurkhas Pakistan. Author
  • Imam Alam Imam Alam, Assistant Professor General Surgery, Mekran Medical College Turbat Balochistan Pakistan Author
  • Muhammad Hayat Muhammad Hayat, Assistant Professor General Surgery, Mekran Medical College Turbat Balochistan Pakistan. Author
  • Sumaira Otho Sumaira Otho, Assistant Professor General Surgery, Fazaia Ruth Pfau Medical College Karachi Pakistan. Author
  • Saiqa Rafiq Saiqa Rafiq, Senior Registrar General Surgery, Mekran Medical College Turbat Balochistan Pakistan. Author
  • Imtiaz Ali Soomro Imtiaz Ali Soomro, Assistant Professor General Surgery, Peoples University of Medical and Health Sciences Nawabshah Pakistan. Author


Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy, Blood Hemostasis, Pain Score.


Objective: To Determine the Hemostasis Control and Pain Score in Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy Using Direct Pressure and Monopolar Electrocauterization in Two Groups to Stop the Bleeding. Background: Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy Came to Light in the 1990s As a New Surgical Procedure That Was Quickly Accepted by General Surgeons (80%), Particularly in France and The United States. Regardless of the Positive Outcomes, During Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy the Most Life Threatening Complication Is Hemorrhage. Cholecystitis and Bile Duct Injury Are the Most Prevalent Significant Consequences of Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy. Study Design: A Randomized Controlled Trial Place and Duration: This Study Was Conducted in Bhitai Dental and Medical College Hospital Mirpurkhas from October 2022 to October 2023. Methodology: A Total of 140 Patients (70 In Each Group) Were Taken for This Study. All Patients Undergoing Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy with Cholelithiasis Verified on Ultrasound and Admitted Through the Outside Patient Department Were Included. T-Test and Chi Square Test of Association Were Used to Determine the Strength of Association Between Variables. P-Value Less Than 5% Was Considered Significant Results: There Were 24 (17.14%) Males And 116 (82.86%) Females in Our Study. The Bleeding Was Secured In 84.29% Cases in Dp Group And 91.43% Cases in Me Group. The Drain Was Placed In 20.34% And 9.38 % in Dp and Me Groups Respectively. The Pain at The Intervals of 6, 12 And 24 Hours Was Significantly Different Across the Two Groups in The Study. Conclusion: The Study Concluded That the Electrocauterization Is Preferable to Direct Pressure During Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy for Hemostasis of The Liver Bed. 


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How to Cite

Rehman, A., Alam, I., Hayat, M., Otho, S., Rafiq, S., & Ali Soomro, I. (2023). Comparison of Direct Pressure versus Electrocauterization of Liver Bed for Bleeding Control in Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy. History of Medicine, 9(2).