Effect of bio-fertilizer (AG) and brassinolide hormone on some growth parameters and total chlorophyll of two varieties of Medicago sativa L. plant
Bio-fertilizer, Brassinolide, Medicago sativa plant, growth parameters, total chlorophyll.Abstract
The experiment was carried out in the field belonging to the Botanical Garden belonging to the Department of Biology, College of Education for Pure Sciences (Ibn Al-Haitham), University of Baghdad, for the growing season 2021-2022 to study the effect of bio-fertilizer (AG 8-1-9) in three concentrations (0, 3, 6) mg.L-1 and brassinolide hormone in four concentrations (0, 2, 4, 6) mg. L 1 and its interactions in some growth parameters and total chlorophyll of two varieties of Medicago sativa plant. The experiment was designed according to Randomized Complete Blocks Design (R.C.B.D.) with three replicates per treatment. The averages were compared using the least significant difference at the probability level (0.05), and the results showed the following:
The effect of brassinolide in different concentrations led to a significant increase in all studied traits, as it exceeded the concentration of 4 mg.L1 of brassinolide in both root length, dry weight, absolute growth rate, total chlorophyll content, nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium percentages. The effect of the bio-fertilizer in different concentrations led to a significant increase in all the studied traits at a concentration of 3 mg.L-1. All duel interactions had a significant effect on all studied traits with the superiority of the treatment (3, 4) mg. L-1 in root length, dry weight, absolute growth rate, phosphorus percentage and leaf content of total chlorophyll, treatment of (3, 6) mg. L-1 in nitrogen and potassium ratios, and superiority of the Indian variety in all studied traits. Triple interactions led to a significant increase in all studied traits.
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