Botulinum Toxin-A For Management of Migraine: An Experience in Iraq


  • Mohammed Rhael Ali College of Dentistry, University of Tikrit, Tikrit, Iraq Author
  • Muna Ahmed Abdullah College of Dentistry, University of Tikrit, Tikrit, Iraq. Author
  • Maryam Zakarya Mahmood College of Dentistry, University of Tikrit, Tikrit, Iraq. Author
  • Esraa Khalid Abed College of Dentistry, University of Tikrit, Tikrit, Iraq. Author


Orofacial pain, Migraine, Botulinum toxinA, Chronic migraine.


Iraq as a country, doesn’t have any facts or details about using botulinum toxin for the prevention of migraine. The main goal of this experience, is to study the clinical profile and response to treatment with botulinum toxin injection for migraine patients. Migraine is a headache illness identified by repeated attacks of moderate to severe pain, nausea, photophobia, and phonophobia. Botulinumtoxin A is used to prevent and treat migraine.  To estimate the effectiveness of botulinum toxin-A injections for managing migraine and prove the usefulness and safety of botulinum toxin -A.  The study sample included 23 patients aged 20-45, 8 males and 15 females, diagnosed with migraines for more than one year. Patients with neurological or cardiovascular disorders and pregnant women were not included from the study. Botox powder 150 units and a 30-gauge needle were used to inject 30 injections, with 5 units of botulinum toxin in each injection site. 


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How to Cite

Rhael Ali, M., Ahmed Abdullah, M., Zakarya Mahmood, M., & Khalid Abed, E. (2023). Botulinum Toxin-A For Management of Migraine: An Experience in Iraq. History of Medicine Ru, 9(2).