Spectrophotometric Determination of Stoichiometricratios and Kinetics study for the colored Azo-Drugs resulting from the interactions of three drugs: Tetracycline, Cefixime & Paracetamol with Diazotized (4- AminoBenzophenone) reagent


  • Banaan Ibrahim Taha Hassan Al-Sayadi Master's student in Chemistry, Department of Chemistry, College of Education for Girls, University of Mosul, Mosul, Iraq. Author
  • Mohammad Mahmoud Hussein Younes Al-Niemi Assistant Professor Doctor of Physical Chemistry, Department of Chemistry, College of Education for Pure Sciences, University of Mosul, Mosul, Iraq. Author
  • Ebtehag Zeki Sulyman Al-Halim Professor Doctor of Industrial Chemistry, Department of Chemistry, College of Education for Girls, University of Mosul, Mosul, Iraq. Author


Stoichiometric ratios, Kinetics study, Azodyes, Paracetamol, Tetracycline, Diazotized 4-aminobenzophenone.


The spectroscopic (mole-ratio) method was used to determine the ratios of components (Stoichiometric-ratios) for the colored Azo-Drugs resulting from the interactions of three drugs: Tetracycline, Cefixime & Paracetamol with Diazotized(4-AminoBenzophenone) reagent, at different acidic media (pH=5,7&9). These colored drug complexes were formed from the interactions of electron-donor molecules such as: Tetracycline, Cefixime & Paracetamol with Diazotized(4-AminoBenziphenone) reagent molecule that accepts those electrons. It was found that the resulting three colored Azo-Drugs are of (1:1) type. In this study, we concluded that the ratios of the components (Stoichiometric-ratios) are (1 Drug: 1 Diazotized reagent) for the all colored Azo-compounds formed do not depend on the pH of the medium, if it is acidic, neutral, and basic. That is, with pH values equal to 5,7&9, respectively, and also does not depend on changing the temperature. The kinetics of the three colored Azo-compounds formed for a period of time (100 min.) at the three pH functions and at a temperature (20oC), and at optimal conditions and appropriate wavelengths (’’max) for each of them, were studied. And it turned out that all of them are of the Pseudo-first order in relation to the drug. As increasing the concentrations of Diazotized reagent to ten times or more than (the concentrations of the three drugs) does not affect the rate-constants for this reaction that were within the range (0.0351-0.0642 min-1.) nor the half-lifetimes of each of them, which were within the range (10.8-19.7) min. 


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How to Cite

Ibrahim Taha Hassan Al-Sayadi, B., Mahmoud Hussein Younes Al-Niemi, M., & Zeki Sulyman Al-Halim, E. (2023). Spectrophotometric Determination of Stoichiometricratios and Kinetics study for the colored Azo-Drugs resulting from the interactions of three drugs: Tetracycline, Cefixime & Paracetamol with Diazotized (4- AminoBenzophenone) reagent. History of Medicine Ru, 9(2). https://historymedjournal.com/HOM/index.php/medicine/article/view/545