The role of diversity in achieving the concept of urban space humanization (Three Levels of Urban Space in the City of Kufa case studies: Regional, Sectoral, Neighbourhood)


  • Hussein A. Al-Ansari Faculty of Physical Planning, University of Kufa, Al-Najaf 54001, Iraq Author
  • Ahmed S. Al Al-Khafaji Faculty of Physical Planning, University of Kufa, Al-Najaf 54001, Iraq Author


Humanization; Diversity; urban space; Humanized urban space


Humanization is a concept of different human needs and requirements for health, safety, comfort, and psychological well-being within the city. It is in the interest of sustainability. The responsibility for providing these needs and requirements within the city is urban space. The research examines the role of diversity within urban space in reaching the concept of humanization, in an effort to identify the most important indicators of diversity that achieve the concept of humanization. The research has identified five indicators of diversity (diversity of land uses, diversity of land cover, diversity of the user’s desired activities, diversity of space users, and diversity of modes of transport). These indicators affect different human needs for staying, spending time, and enjoying within urban space, and affect different human needs for health, safety, comfort, and psychological well-being. These indicators were applied to the study area, three urban spaces representing different levels in the city of Kufa, Iraq. The research revealed a gap in the realization of indicators at different levels of urban space. 


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How to Cite

A. Al-Ansari, H., & S. Al Al-Khafaji, A. (2023). The role of diversity in achieving the concept of urban space humanization (Three Levels of Urban Space in the City of Kufa case studies: Regional, Sectoral, Neighbourhood). History of Medicine, 9(2).