Efficiency of Resin and Zeolite filters in removing heavy metal Cd and Pb pollutants water


  • Abid Ahmad Erdeni Department of Biology/ College Of Education for Women/University ofTikrit/Tikrit/Iraq Author


Filter, Resin, Zeolite, Pollution, Pollution treatment, Lead, Cadmium.


The research aims to find a low-cost and easy-to-use technique to remove heavy metals polluting water. The two filters designed and manufactured by the researcher demonstrated high efficiency in removing Lead and Cadmium polluting the water, as the results showed that the resin filter was efficient in removing lead and cadmium for all contaminated concentrations, the removal rates ranged between (99.8-88.36)% for lead and (87.682-93.309)% for Cadmium. The zeolite filter is efficient in removing lead and cadmium, and the removal rates ranged between (99.8-94.91) % for lead and (57.76-83.75) % for Cadmium. 


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How to Cite

Ahmad Erdeni, A. (2023). Efficiency of Resin and Zeolite filters in removing heavy metal Cd and Pb pollutants water. History of Medicine, 9(2). https://historymedjournal.com/HOM/index.php/medicine/article/view/509