Effects Of Smoking on Men Fertility in Kirkuk City-Iraq


  • Ali Fadhil Alnajjar Assist. Prof. Dr, Department of anatomy, college of Medicine, University of Kirkuk/Iraq Author
  • Aso Sulaiman Qahraman Lecturer, Infertility center, Azadi teaching hospital, Kirkuk health directorate/Iraq. Author
  • Ayad Abdulkaliq Ismael Lecturer Department of anatomy, college of Medicine, University of Kirkuk/Iraq. Author


Smoking and infertility; Teratospermia, Male infertility, Azoospermia, Spermatogenesis.


Numerous studies have identified the effect of tobacco smoking on male fertility where seminal fluid quantity and quality were investigated in different studies including patients with a history of infertility with conflicting results. Although there was much data on infertility in other countries, little exist on infertility in Iraq, especially in Kirkuk city. To study the effects of cigarette smoking on the seminal fluid quality in infertile male smokers in comparison with nonsmokers in Kirkuk city-Iraq. A review study of 250 infertile couples with the malefactor of infertility smokers and nonsmokers from January 2015-September 2018.   Samples of 250 including the smoker and nonsmoker males with abnormal semen fluid analysis. The analysis was carried in Azadi teaching hospital -infertility consultant center, private clinics, international IVF center. 


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How to Cite

Fadhil Alnajjar, A., Sulaiman Qahraman, A., & Abdulkaliq Ismael, A. (2023). Effects Of Smoking on Men Fertility in Kirkuk City-Iraq. History of Medicine, 9(2). https://historymedjournal.com/HOM/index.php/medicine/article/view/482