Development of national system of pharmaceutical education in 1920–1930: Moscow medico-pharmaceutical combine


  • M.S. Sergeeva I.M. Sechenov First Moscow Medical University, The Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation Author


pharmaceutical manufacturing, pharmaceutical education, pharmaceutical college, pharmaceutical institute, Medical and Pharmaceutical Plant


To  overcome  the  shortage  of  medicines  at  the  beginning  of  the  20th  century,  a  new  system  of  pharmaceutical education was required, as a restructuring of pharmacy training could not meet the needs of the pharmaceutical industry. In 1920–1930, a new training concept, based on an integrated approach to the training of specialists for pharmacies and factory enterprises, was developed and approved. The difficulties that arose are related, on the one hand, to the need to take into account the specifi cs of industrial drug production, and on the other hand, with the need to create alternative forms of pharmacy apprenticeship education that would be able to provide pharmacies with middle-level and senior staff. The methods of organizing pharmaceutical education in 1920–1930, examined using the example of the Moscow Medical and Pharmaceutical Plant, served as the basis for the further unification of the pharmaceutical personnel training system.


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How to Cite

Sergeeva, M. (2014). Development of national system of pharmaceutical education in 1920–1930: Moscow medico-pharmaceutical combine. History of Medicine, 1(4).