Ruling on the Discovery of the Human Genome, a Contemporary Epistemology Study


  • Jinan Shakir Ali Sharia Department, College of Islamic Sciences, University of Samarra, Samarra, Iraq Author


Human Genome; Contemporary; medical therapeutic


The genesis of medicine is as old as the presence of a thoughtful man on Earth. and has evolved through several phases that have varied in speed and importance, Until this science became during a world that is witnessing every day a new development in the biological and medical therapeutic fields which is essentially based on the smallest molecule in the human body and is the human genome, which goes beyond the limits of traditional medical work in a way that is difficult to keep up with, These developments have a significant impact on changing many of the concepts and principles agreed upon in the science of medicine and Islamic jurisprudence. 


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How to Cite

Shakir Ali, J. (2023). Ruling on the Discovery of the Human Genome, a Contemporary Epistemology Study. History of Medicine, 9(2).