Philippe Ricord – prominent venereologist of the XIX century


  • K.A. Pashkov A.I. Yevdokimov Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry, he Health Ministry of Russian Federation Author
  • M.S. Betekhtin A.I. Yevdokimov Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry, he Health Ministry of Russian Federation Author


history of dermatology and venereology, Ricord, syphilis


Philippe  Ricord  is  an  outstanding  figure  in  the  field  of  scientific  syphilology.  His  work  has  expanded  the knowledge  of  clinical  manifestations,  staging,  diagnosis  and  treatment  of  syphilis.  Ricord's  critical  approach to  existing  knowledge  and  careful  study  of  the  outstanding  issues  of  sexually  transmitted  diseases  made  him  a prominent figure in 19th-century European venereology. His contribution to science, despite some mistakes, and his preeminence in the study of syphilis was recognized by his contemporaries. Ricord's work was continued by his students J.A. Fournier, C.-P. Diday and L. Bassereau (among others).


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How to Cite

Pashkov, K., & Betekhtin, M. (2014). Philippe Ricord – prominent venereologist of the XIX century. History of Medicine Ru, 1(4).