Galen and doctors of the Erasistratus school: clinical and natural-philosophical facets of debate


  • D.A. Balalykin I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University, The Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation Author


the history of science, history of medicine, Galen, Erasistratus, methodologists, venotomy


The  article  is  devoted  to  the  writings  of  Galen  "De  venae  sectione  adversus  Erasistrateos  Romae  degentes".
he author focuses on the analysis of the debate between Galen and his opponents, the subject of which is an approach  to  the  problem  of  "plethora"  and  one  of  the  ways  to  treat  it  –  "cutting  of  veins"  (venotomy).  Galen and doctors of the Erasistratus school differently assessed a patients' condition, and the clinical picture of the disease is described in the treatise. As a result, they proposed different methods of treatment. Galen, denouncing the procedure selected by his colleagues, illustrated the Erasistratus-doctors' overall incorrect understanding of processes  occurring  in  the  human  body.  Based  on  the  source  analysis,  differences  have  been  identified  in  the general theoretical basis of the medical systems of Galen and his opponents, and the names of eight previously lost  works  of  Erasistratus  have  been  restored.  The  Galen  treatise  that  was  studied  is  a  brilliant  example  of  the connection between general-theoretical, natural-philosophical views of the researcher and his practice as a doctor.
he empirical method and synthetic thinking of Galen, which was built on the principles of rational medicine,became the basis of his theoretical and practical system and ensured its dominance and the development path of natural science until the scientific discoveries of the 17th to 19th centuries.


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Received: 20.07.14.







How to Cite

Balalykin, D. (2014). Galen and doctors of the Erasistratus school: clinical and natural-philosophical facets of debate. History of Medicine, 1(3).