Pharmacy Practice in Cardiology: Supporting Heart Health


  • Chandrakant Yadav Assistant Professor, Faculty of Health and Allied Science, ISBM University, Gariyaband, Chhattisgarh, India. Author
  • Hiranand Dewangan Assistant Professor, Faculty of Health and Allied Science, ISBM University, Gariyaband, Chhattisgarh, India. Author


Pharmacy practice, cardiology, medication management, patient education, digital health, drug shortages, pharmacogenomics, personalized medicine, cardiovascular care, pharmacist roles


Pharmacy practice in cardiology plays a crucial role in enhancing patient outcomes through comprehensive medication management and patient education. This review explores the multifaceted contributions of pharmacists in cardiovascular care, emphasizing their roles in medication adherence, patient counseling, and integration of digital health tools. The paper discusses current challenges such as drug shortages and regulatory issues, alongside future trends including personalized medicine and pharmacogenomics. By highlighting pharmacists' pivotal role in advancing cardiac care through research and education, this review underscores the importance of integrating pharmacy expertise into holistic cardiovascular health strategies. 


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How to Cite

Yadav, C., & Dewangan, H. (2022). Pharmacy Practice in Cardiology: Supporting Heart Health. History of Medicine, 8(2).