
  • Bhisham Sahu Assistant Professor, Faculty of Health and Allied Science, ISBM University, Gariyaband, Chhattisgarh, India Author
  • Shikhar Mishra Assistant Professor, Faculty of Health and Allied Science, ISBM University, Gariyaband, Chhattisgarh, India Author


Pharmacy practice, sports medicine, athlete health, medication management, nutritional support, injury rehabilitation, anti-doping regulations, ethical considerations, interdisciplinary healthcare.


 Pharmacy practice in sports medicine is an emerging field that significantly contributes to athletes' health and performance. This review explores the multifaceted roles of pharmacists in medication management, nutritional support, injury rehabilitation, and education. Key interventions include managing acute and chronic conditions, supporting mental health, and preventing infections. Additionally, pharmacists play a crucial role in anti-doping efforts, ensuring compliance with regulations, and addressing ethical considerations. Through case studies, we demonstrate practical applications and highlight the challenges and future directions in sports pharmacy practice. This review underscores the importance of integrating pharmacists into sports health teams to enhance the overall well-being and performance of athletes. 


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How to Cite

Sahu, B., & Mishra, S. (2022). PHARMACY PRACTICE IN SPORTS MEDICINE: SUPPORTING ATHLETES. History of Medicine, 8(2).