Prevalence of skin manifestations in patients with β- thalassemia and its association with serum hemoglobin and serum ferritin in Diyala province


  • Zahraa Najah Alzuhairi Department of pediatrics, University of Diyala / college of medicine, Iraq Author
  • Intisar Ahmed Hasan Department of medicine, University of Diyala / college of medicine, Iraq Author
  • Thura Abbas Fadhel Department of pathology, University of Diyala / college of medicine, Iraq Author


Prevalence, skin manifestations, β-thalassemia, serum hemoglobin, serum ferritin


Introduction: β-Thalassemia is a blood disease that associated with decrease in hemoglobin (Hb) production. Hemoglobin is the iron-containing protein located inside red blood cells (RBC), their function is transport oxygen to all cells in the body. The aim of study is to identify the prevalence of skin manifestations in patients with β-thalassemia and its association with serum hemoglobin and serum ferritin. Method: cross sectional design for 367 patients with thalassemia, the data collected from Hematological word in Baqubah teaching hospital. The period of study from April 2021 to February 2022. Study population: Diagnosed cases of Beta thalassemia major and intermedia patients between 2 to 38 years’ age already diagnosed Hb electrophoresis by hemoglobinelectrophoresis attended to Hematological word in Baqubah teaching hospital. Results: study of 367 patients with thalassemia, (60.2%) of patients at age group 1-3 years, (58%) of patients are males and (42%) of them are females. (71.9%) of patents have received regular blood transfusion. (80.9%) of patients have paler, (71.7%) of patients have xerosis, (50.4%) of them have jaundice, (76%) of patients have bronze skin, (55%) of patient’s have hyperpigmentation, (40.1%) of patients have pruritus. Conclusion: most thalassemia patients are males at age group 1-3 years they received regular blood transfusion. The most prevalence skin manifestations of thalassemia are pallor, xerosis, bronze skin, yellowish discoloration of skin (jaundice), also most patients had pruritus and hyperpigmentation. 


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How to Cite

Najah Alzuhairi, Z., Ahmed Hasan, I., & Abbas Fadhel, T. (2022). Prevalence of skin manifestations in patients with β- thalassemia and its association with serum hemoglobin and serum ferritin in Diyala province. History of Medicine Ru, 8(2).