Efficacy of Instructional Platform Regarding Prevention of Retinopathy on Type II Diabetic Patient's Knowledge, Attitude, and Practice


  • Azza Anwar Aly Assistant professor of Medical-Surgical Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Damanhur University, Egypt., Associate professor of Medical-Surgical Nursing, Ibn Sina National College for Medical Studies, KSA. Author
  • Aisha Mohaib Omairan PhD Head of Patients’ Family Education and Health Awareness Department, King Abdulaziz Hospital, Jeddah, KSA. Author


Efficacy, instructional platform, prevention, diabetic retinopathy, knowledge, attitude, and practice


DR is a serious complication of diabetes that results in irreversible blindness and is one of the most leading causes of visual impairment and blindness. Appropriate interventions and self-care measures can interrupt or stop the resulting vision loss. The study aim: Evaluate efficacy of instructional platform regarding prevention of retinopathy on type II diabetic patient's knowledge, Attitude, and Practice (KAP). Study design & setting: A quasi-experimental design (pre-post and follow-up) was used to conduct this study. This study was conducted in the medical outpatient department of a private hospital at Jedda City. Sample: A purposive sample of 120 patients with type II diabetes were included. Tools: The efficacy of instructional platform regarding prevention of retinopathy evaluated by using two tools for data collection at pre, post, and follow-up stages. The first tool was structured interview questionnaire to assess sociodemographic data. The second tool contains three-part to assess patients' KAP regarding prevention of retinopathy. After the instructional platform was implemented in 3 training sessions, data collection was repeated immediately and 3 months later and HbA1C was retested. Results: A highly significant improvements in the patients' level of KAP about retinopathy prevention post- instructional platform implementation compared to pre- instructional platform implementation with p= (0.001). Furthermore, there was a highly significant correlation between patients’ knowledge, Attitude, and Practice regarding prevention of retinopathy with p= (0.001). Finally, a significant positive correlation was found between patients’ KAP regarding retinopathy prevention and all components of sociodemographic characteristics at p = (0.001) except the duration of DM. Conclusion: The implementation of instructional platform for type II diabetic patients revealed a significant improvement in the patients' level of KAP about retinopathy prevention post- instructional platform implementation compared to pre- instructional platform implementation. Recommendations: Efforts should be made to design and implement an appropriate educational platform to expand patient education approaches and KAP of patients with type II diabetes. 


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How to Cite

Anwar Aly, A., & Mohaib Omairan, A. (2022). Efficacy of Instructional Platform Regarding Prevention of Retinopathy on Type II Diabetic Patient’s Knowledge, Attitude, and Practice. History of Medicine, 8(2). https://historymedjournal.com/HOM/index.php/medicine/article/view/379