Health-care-system creation and the reform of pharmaceutical education in 1918–1930
pharmacology, N.A. Semashko, health care, pharmacy, prevention, higher education, the pharmaceutical industryAbstract
The creation of the Soviet public health care system, based on the principles set out by N.A. Semashko in 1918, was significantly bolstered by the pharmaceutical industry. This sector joined the new system with rights equal to those of curative and preventive health care, making substantial contributions to various facets of the public health infrastructure. Pharmacy played a crucial role in the development of new legislation and regulations, enhancing access to medical and pharmaceutical care, and establishing the necessary conditions for sanitary-hygienic control activities. Additionally, the pharmaceutical industry was instrumental in research and development efforts, particularly in creating disinfection and preventive medicines such as vaccines and serums. It also contributed to the preparation of essential personnel.
The development of pharmaceutical education occurred concurrently with the formation of the health care system, dynamically responding to the evolving goals and objectives of public health in the Soviet Union.
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