
  • Pooja Singh Rama Dental College, Hospital & Research Centre, Rama University, Kanpur, India. Author
  • Sujit Panda Rama Dental College, Hospital & Research Centre, Rama University, Kanpur, India. Author
  • Karuna Singh Sawhny Rama Dental College, Hospital & Research Centre, Rama University, Kanpur, India. Author
  • Avichal S. Sodhi Rama Dental College, Hospital & Research Centre, Rama University, Kanpur, India. Author


orthodontic intrusion, intrusion arches, deepbite, gummy smile


Orthodontic intrusion is a common treatment strategy for management of orthodontic functional and aesthetic issues, such as deep bite and gummy smiles. This review includes current literature on dental intrusion, including types, clinical findings, tissue reactions following the application of force, and indications and contraindications. The fixed and removable appliances used for intrusion are succinctly described in this review article. 


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How to Cite

Singh, P., Panda, S., Singh Sawhny, K., & S. Sodhi, A. (2022). INTRUSION ARCHES IN ORTHODONTICS – A REVIEW. History of Medicine, 8(1).