Listeria Infection as the Possible Cause of The Spontaneous Abortion in Fertile Age of Women


  • Waleed K. Alkhafaje Anesthesia Techniques Department, Al-Mustaqbal University College, Babylon, Iraq 2 Author
  • Wiaam Hamdan Kshain Al-Hadi University College/ Bagdad, 10011, Iraq. Author
  • Ali Fadhil Medical technical college, Al-Farahidi University /Baghdad/ Iraq Author
  • Mahmood Al-Mualm Department of Medical Laboratories Technology, AL-Nisour University College/ Baghdad/ Iraq Author
  • Mohammed Fadhil Medical laboratory technology/ Ashur University College/Baghdad/ Iraq Author


Listeria Infection, Possible Cause, Spontaneous Abortion, In Fertile Age, Women.


 The present study aims to detect the Possible Causes of Spontaneous Abortion in Fertile Age Women by Listeria Infection, a case control study was conducted, including 65 aborted women and 30 healthy women, the results found significant changes in birth number (p 0.016) and in Listeriae infection level (IgG+IgM) (p 0.001) which elevated in the aborted women. the abortion trimester shows that high percentage of abortion were at the first trimester (70.96%), the abortion number mean was (3.86±1.76), low percentage was smokers in both groups in non-significant differences and high percentages of employments in both groups, high percentage of aborted women have an age less than 29 years and lower percentage have aged >40 years, the Listeriae level (IgG+IgM) didn’t affect by age, the Listeriae level (IgG+IgM) according to smoking and occupation were non-significantly affected. The correlation between Listeriae level (IgG+IgM) and the abortion number shows significant positive correlation with abortion number in the first trimester (p 0.024), and non-significant association with n of abortion in the second trimester (p 0.770). The correlation between Listeriae level (IgG+IgM) and no. of birth shows non -significant inverse association (p 0.102), and non-significant association with abortions number (p 0.344). The present study concluded that the abortion can be caused by Listeria Infection of pregnant women in the first trimester. 


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How to Cite

K. Alkhafaje, W., Hamdan Kshain, W., Fadhil, A., Al-Mualm, M., & Fadhil, M. (2022). Listeria Infection as the Possible Cause of The Spontaneous Abortion in Fertile Age of Women. History of Medicine Ru, 8(1).