Historical aspects of microsurgical treatment of brain aneurysms


  • Vasiliy V. Bobinov Polenov Neurosurgical Institute – a branch of Almazov National Medical Research Centre 12 Mayakovskogo St., Saint Petersburg 191014, Russia Author
  • Sergey A. Goroshchenko Polenov Neurosurgical Institute – a branch of Almazov National Medical Research Centre 12 Mayakovskogo St., Saint Petersburg 191014, Russia Author
  • Larisa V. Rozhchenko Polenov Neurosurgical Institute – a branch of Almazov National Medical Research Centre 12 Mayakovskogo St., Saint Petersburg 191014, Russia Author
  • Konstantin A. Samochernykh Polenov Neurosurgical Institute – a branch of Almazov National Medical Research Centre 12 Mayakovskogo St., Saint Petersburg 191014, Russia Author
  • Andrey E. Petrov Polenov Neurosurgical Institute – a branch of Almazov National Medical Research Centre 12 Mayakovskogo St., Saint Petersburg 191014, Russia Author


history of medicine, brain aneurysm, subarachnoid haemorrhage, clipping, microneurosurgery


Based on the analysis of data on the development of surgical treatment of brain aneurysms, the authors identified the pre-surgical, early and late surgical stages and the microsurgical stage of development of the treatment of brain aneurysms. The microsurgical stage includes two basic areas ‒ aneurysm microsurgery and reconstructive surgery of the vessel with aneurysm via its revascularisation. The paper seeks to identify key points in the development of mi-crosurgical treatment of brain aneurysms, excluding reconstructive treatment, which requires a separate study. The development of the microsurgical stage is associated not only with the advent of the surgical microscope but also with the invention of corresponding instruments, microsurgical dissection techniques, and the creation and introduction of accessory equipment to improve the quality of the surgical procedure.


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How to Cite

V. Bobinov, V., A. Goroshchenko, S., V. Rozhchenko, L., A. Samochernykh, K., & E. Petrov, A. (2024). Historical aspects of microsurgical treatment of brain aneurysms. History of Medicine Ru, 7(2). https://historymedjournal.com/HOM/index.php/medicine/article/view/281